Prof. Popovic advises on research in areas of high-efficiency linear and broadband microwave power amplifiers, low-loss broadband microwave and millimeter-wave circuits and antennae, millimeter-wave and THz quasi-optical techniques, active antenna arrays, wireless powering for low-power sensors and high-power wireless near-field charging, microwave applications in medicine such as core body temperature measurements, microwave heating for waste management and Rydberg atom microwave and millimeter-wave quantum sensors.
Microwave and millimeter-wave analog circuits and antennae
COEN 1830 - Special Topics
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
Explores topics of interest in transitioning to the College of Engineering and succeeding in STEM majors.
ECEN 3400 - Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
Primary Instructor
Spring 2019
Electromagnetic fields are covered at an introductory level, starting with electrostatics and continuing with DC current, magnetostatics, time-varying magnetic fields, waves on transmission lines, Maxwell's equations and the basics of plane waves. The use of fields in inductors, capacitors, resistors, transformers, and energy and power concepts are studied.
ECEN 3410 - Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission
Primary Instructor
Spring 2019 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2023
Covers reflected and transmitted plane waves in layered media, Poynting's theorem of electromagnetic power, two-conductor transmission line theory and practice, Smith chart usage and impedance matching, waveguides, and elements of antenna theory.
ECEN 4634 - Microwave and RF Laboratory
Primary Instructor
Fall 2019 / Spring 2021
Introduce RF and microwave measurement methods. A laboratory course whose experiments build on material learned in ECEN 3410: electromagnetic waves, transmission lines, waveguides, time-domain reflection, frequency-domain measurement, microwave networks, impedance matching, antenna pattern measurement, radar and simple nonlinear concepts such as harmonics, square-law detection, mixing and transmitter/receiver applications. Same as ECEN 5634.
ECEN 5004 - Special Topics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018
Examines a special topic in Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours.
ECEN 5014 - Special Topics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2019 / Spring 2020 / Fall 2021 / Spring 2024
Examines a special topic in Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours.
ECEN 5114 - Waveguides and Transmission Lines
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
Intermediate course dealing with guided-wave systems at HF, microwave, and optical frequencies. Modern waveguiding structures, including circular metallic waveguides, microstrip transmission lines, and optical waveguides are treated. Additional material may include waveguide losses, excitation of waveguides, microwave network theory, coupled-mode theory, resonators, and pulse propagation in waveguides.
ECEN 5634 - Microwave and RF Laboratory
Primary Instructor
Fall 2019 / Spring 2021
Introduce RF and microwave measurement methods. A laboratory course whose experiments build on material learned in ECEN 3410: electromagnetic waves, transmission lines, waveguides, time-domain reflection, frequency-domain measurement, microwave networks, impedance matching, antenna pattern measurement, radar and simple nonlinear concepts such as harmonics, square-law detection, mixing and transmitter/receiver applications. Same as ECEN 4634.