Associated Departments
research area of
Affrunti, Andrew Joseph,
Associate Teaching Professor,
Mechanical Engineering
Barnes, Frank S,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (ECEE)
Bogatin, Eric,
Scholar In Residence,
Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (ECEE)
Evans, John A,
Associate Professor,
College of Engineering and Applied Science
Filipovic, Dejan S,
Professor and Hudson Moore, Jr. Chair,
College of Engineering and Applied Science
Fornberg, Bengt,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Applied Mathematics
Gopinath, Juliet T,
Professor and Alfred T. And Betty E. Look Endowed Professor,
Kuester, Edward F,
Professor Emerita/Emeritus,
Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (ECEE)
Li, Xinlin,
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)
Marshall, Robert Andrew,
Associate Professor,
College of Engineering and Applied Science
Marzall, Laila F,
Asst Research Professor,
Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (ECEE)
Piket-May, Melinda J,
Associate Professor,
Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (ECEE)
Popovic, Zoya ,
Distinguished Professor and the Lockheed Martin Corporation Endowed Chair of Radio Frequency Engineering,
College of Engineering and Applied Science
Scarborough, Cody,
Assistant Professor,
Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (ECEE)