research overview
- Professor Li's principal research interests are studies of solar wind energy coupling into Earth's magnetosphere and of energetic particle dynamics in the magnetosphere. His current research includes analysis and interpretation of particle and field data from satellites and ground stations, energetic particle instrument development, modeling and simulation of energetic particle transport associated with magnetic storms and substorms, and prediction and real-time forecast of MeV electrons and the Dst, AL, AU, and AE indices. His teaching activities include aerospace environment, space dynamics, thermodynamics, and space-flight hardware design.In 2010, he was awarded a CubeSat project from NSF and had been leading a group of graduate students as they design, build, calibrate, and test the CubeSat system, which measured energetic particles in space for more than two years, 2012-2014. Currently he is leading another CubeSat mission (CIRBE: Colorado Inner Radiation Belt Experiment), which is scheduled to be launched in April of 2023, and an instrument (MEET: Medium Energy Electron Telescope) development project.