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Publications in VIVO

Webb, David C.

Associate Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Dr. Webb’s research focuses on the design of STEM instructional environments that are more conducive to meaningful student engagement, persistence, and learning. This line of inquiry began with study of teachers’ classroom assessment practices in K-12 mathematics, to better understand relationships between teachers’ content knowledge, instructional goals, interpretation of student thinking, and instructional decisions. Webb’s research activity also addresses institutional and departmental norms, ways to catalyze change to support active learning, and instructor attention to student centered norms and practices. The extent to which norms and practices are supported by professional development, instructional resources and classroom assessment has engaged Dr. Webb in numerous research projects in STEM education. This cross-disciplinary work has revealed aspects of instruction and assessment practice that are discipline specific and generalizable across STEM disciplines.


  • Research on teachers' classroom assessment practices, design of professional development in classroom assessment, assessment design and use in STEM education, curriculum design, active learning in undergraduate mathematics, computer science education


selected publications


courses taught

  • EDUC 4060 - Classroom Interactions
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021
    Students design and implement instructional activities informed by what it means to know and learn mathematics and science, and then evaluate the outcomes of those activities on the basis of classroom artifacts. Students examine how content and pedagogy combine to make effective teaching. Students are required to work in a classroom 4 hours per week. Same as EDUC 5060.
  • EDUC 4317 - Perspectives on Mathematics
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Explores the historical development of mathematics as a human construct, and the relationship between the discipline and the contemporary school mathematics curriculum. Focuses on the sociology of mathematics education and how cultural traditions and societal needs influence the school mathematics curriculum and educational practice. Same as EDUC 5317.
  • EDUC 4706 - Assessment in Mathematics and Science Education
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    Examines purposes and practices of assessment in mathematics and science education. Particular attention is given to application of theoretical foundations and contemporary research in the design and use of assessment techniques and tools to support teaching for student understanding. Addresses the role of effective formative assessment in teaching and learning. Same as EDUC 5706.
  • EDUC 4835 - Teaching K-12 Mathematics: Geometry & Measurement
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Fall 2023 / Spring 2024
    Provides an opportunity to explore how to foster geometric thinking while examining fundamental mathematical theory underlying the content area of geometry and measurement. Emphasizes investigative approach involving problem solving, reasoning, connections, and communication as well as learning mathematics content in a flexible and conceptual way. Challenges participants to apply their understanding to teaching practices that foster geometric thinking in K-12 learners. Also see EDUC 5835.
  • EDUC 5060 - Classroom Interactions
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2021
    Students design and implement instructional activities informed by what it means to know and learn mathematics and science, and then evaluate the outcomes of those activities on the basis of classroom artifacts. Students examine how content and pedagogy combine to make effective teaching. Students are required to work in a classroom 4 hours per week. Same as EDUC 4060.
  • EDUC 5317 - Perspectives on Mathematics
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Explores the historical development of mathematics as a human construct, and the relationship between the discipline and the contemporary school mathematics curriculum. Focuses on the sociology of mathematics education and how cultural traditions and societal needs influence the school mathematics curriculum and educational practice. Same as EDUC 4317.
  • EDUC 5706 - Assessment in Mathematics and Science Education
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Spring 2019 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Summer 2023 / Spring 2024
    Examines purposes and practices of assessment in mathematics and science education. Particular attention is given to application of theoretical foundations and contemporary research in the design and use of assessment techniques and tools to support teaching for student understanding. Addresses the role of effective formative assessment in teaching and learning. Same as EDUC 4706.
  • EDUC 5820 - Teaching K-12 Mathematics: Algebraic Thinking
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2018
    Uses reform-based mathematics curricula to engage participants in algebraic thinking, to reflect on their own knowledge of algebraic concepts, and to examine pedagogical ideas that can foster K-12 students' algebraic thinking and learning. Algebraic topics include patterning, variable, functions, multiple representations, equality, and solving linear and systems of equations. Same as EDUC 4821.
  • EDUC 5831 - Teaching K-12 Mathematics: Geometry & Measurement
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019
    Provides an opportunity to explore how to foster geometric thinking while examining fundamental mathematical theory underlying the content area of geometry and measurement. Emphasizes investigative approach involving problem solving, reasoning, connections, and communication as well as learning mathematics content in a flexible and conceptual way. Challenges participants to apply their understanding to teaching practices that foster geometric thinking in K-12 learners. Formerly EDUC 5830.
  • EDUC 5835 - Teaching K-12 Mathematics: Geometry & Measurement
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Fall 2023 / Spring 2024
    Provides an opportunity to explore how to foster geometric thinking while examining fundamental mathematical theory underlying the content area of geometry and measurement. Emphasizes investigative approach involving problem solving, reasoning, connections, and communication as well as learning mathematics content in a flexible and conceptual way. Challenges participants to apply their understanding to teaching practices that foster geometric thinking in K-12 learners. Formerly EDUC 5830.
  • EDUC 8165 - Advanced Topics in Mathematics Education
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Examines special topics in theory and research related to mathematics education. Topics vary each semester.May be repeated up to 12 total credit hours.
  • EDUC 8175 - Advanced Topics in Science Education
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Engages participants in the process of curriculum development. Principles that guide the development of curricula and learning environments are discussed as they integrate with learning theory. Participants develop and/or test specific activities in the classroom and modify them as a result. There is a particular focus on incorporating the practices of the discipline into each content-based activity. May be repeated up to 12 total credit hours.
  • EDUC 8177 - Advanced Seminar in Curriculum and Policy in Mathematics & Science Education
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022 / Fall 2024
    This course explores the changing curriculum in school mathematics and science. It will examine the history and evolution of K-20 math and science curricula from the late 1890s to current times. It will examine motivations and political forces that have help shape and change math and science curricula.
  • GRTE 5020 - Graduate Mathematics for Teachers
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2023
    Addresses special topics in mathematics with an emphasis on building conceptual understanding of content and enhancing teacher's practice in teaching this content.


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