I have characterized longevity genes in C. elegans to see how these mutations induce increased resistance to oxidative stress. I developed a molecular understanding of the mechanisms of hormesis in response to heat stress. I study stochastics of response to heat as a biomarker that predicts subsequent longevity. I utilize such techniques as high-throughput RNAi screening, CRISPR, microarray, and bioinformatics. I am interested in aging in mice, studying it through newly induced mutants that lengthen mouse life and health. We have developed a novel and patented resource wherein we select for resistance to a stressor (e.g. paraquat) using embryonic stem cells which can then be turned into mice which carry the stress resistance trait. We have begun to apply these methods to the identification of cryogenic targets that may allow extended preservation of human organs. Finally, we have founded a company called Cirque Cryotech LLC.
IPHY 6840 - Research Project
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018
Involves a scholarly investigation of a selected topic using literature and/or experimental techniques. Advisor required. May be repeated up to 3 total credit hours.