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Skewes, Elizabeth

Associate Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Dr. Skewes conducts research in a variety of areas related to journalism. Her primary area of research examines media coverage of crime and crime victims, and she currently is working on a longitudinal study that examines how coverage of victims and killers involved in mass tragedies has changed since the mid-1960s. She also is examining how mass tragedy gets politicized, especially during an election campaign. This connects to her other area of research, which examines media coverage of U.S. presidential politics. Her research focuses on news coverage, but includes political information in popular culture and in online media.


  • political communication, media ethics, media sociology, journalistic practices


selected publications


courses taught

  • APRD 4931 - Internship
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019 / Summer 2021
    Internship course
  • APRD 7003 - ProSeminar in Mass Communication Theory II
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022
    Continues introducing and discussing theoretical and methodological points of view in areas of communication, journalism and persuasion. Discusses the most important qualitative and quantitative methodological points of view, and from theoretical viewpoints that range from social science to critical studies. The idea is to develop an appreciation for theories and methodologies that can be employed depending upon the research question. Same as JRNL7003.
  • APRD 7004 - Doctoral Professionalization Seminar
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021
    Introduces you to the university and gives you a chance to think out loud about what your academic future might look like. The course is designed to be responsive to your needs regarding your career, getting a job, getting tenure and teaching. In short, the course prepares you for a career in academia. Same as JRNL 7004.
  • CMCI 1020 - Concepts and Creativity 2: Media, Communication, Information
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019
    Engages key principles and practices in the fields of media, communication and information. Emphasizes the analyses of new and old media, information technologies, verbal and visual literacies, communicative interactions and cultural practices through process-based learning and hands-on projects utilizing multiple modes of expression. Second course in two semester sequence required for all first-year CMCI students. Requires a grade of C- or better to count toward degree.
  • CMCI 3000 - Special Topics in CMCI
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2023 / Fall 2023 / Spring 2024 / Summer 2024 / Fall 2024
    Investigates special topics in media, communication and information at the upper-division level. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours on different topics.
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