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Publications in VIVO

Gutmann, Myron P.

Professor Emerita/Emeritus


  • Professor Emerita/Emeritus, History

Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Dr. Gutmann has broad interests in interdisciplinary research, especially health, population, economy, energy, and the environment. He is widely known for his research on the demographic history of Early Modern and Modern Europe and for his large-scale research program on the relationship between population and environment in the Great Plains of the United States. He is also a leader in the archiving and dissemination of electronic research materials related to society, population, and health, with a special interest in the protection of respondent confidentiality.


  • demographic history, environmental history, social history, U.S. western history, data preservation and management, research ethics


selected publications


courses taught

  • HIST 4526 - Immigrants, Workers and the 1 percent - Recent U.S. Social History
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Spring 2019 / Spring 2020
    In the 21st century we see a widely divided U.S. society, with a privileged "one percent" on one end, and a striking pattern of poverty on the other. How did the U.S. get this way? This course shows students how to explore social change through the people of the 20th century, their experiences, and the words they left behind. Recommended prerequisite: HIST 1025.


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