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Publications in VIVO

Mueller, Karl Jules



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Professor Mueller's research is primarily focused on the study and analysis of actively deforming structures and earthquakes. He uses a variety of techniques that blend field geology with analysis of young sedimentary deposits, geomorphology and geophysics. Aimed at understanding how earthquakes act to build geologic structures and the boundary conditions that control coupled deformation and erosion, projects have taken him to Taiwan, Japan, Baja California, Italy the American Midcontinent and the Southwest USA. His work also seeks to understand how erosion drives stresses in the upper crust and how this affects active flow of ultraweak rock salt in the Paradox Basin of Utah. Professor Mueller has also worked to define how blind thrust faults grow early in the history of Mars and Mercury in response to secular cooling and how they might inform the evolution of the brittle to ductile transition and heat flow on these planets.


  • Erosional forcing of upper crustal strain, Seismotectonics of fold and thrust belts and transtentional fault systems, Origins of coastal uplift in Southern CA and Baja, Earthquake hazards, Ancient compressive structures and crustal rheology on Mars and Mercury


selected publications


courses taught

  • GEOL 1010 - Exploring Earth
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2024
    Introductory geology for majors and non-majors. Studies Earth, its materials, its characteristics, its dynamic processes, and how it relates to people. Separate lab (GEOL 1030) is recommended. Degree credit not granted for both GEOL 1010 and GEOL 1012.
  • GEOL 1012 - Exploring Earth for Scientists
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    Studies Earth, its materials, its characteristics, its dynamic processes, and how it relates to people. This course is an introductory geology course suitable for geology and other STEM majors. Like GEOL 1010, but taught at a higher intellectual level with a greater amount of quantitative analysis. Separate lab (GEOL 1030) is recommended. Degree credit not granted for both GEOL 1010 and GEOL 1012.
  • GEOL 3120 - Structural Geology
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2024
    Introduces the basic principles and processes involved in deformation of natural rocks and minerals and the techniques used to analyze a variety of common geological structures (e.g., fractures, folds, fault zones). Recommended prerequisite: GEOL 2001.
  • GEOL 4712 - Structural Field Geology
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018
    Explores methods of field study of structure of rocks, including observations, data collection and interpretation to understand geometry of deformation and causative processes and kinematics. Field projects are mapped using different scales, air photos, topographic maps and compass and tape.
  • GEOL 4721 - Field Methods in Active Tectonics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Spring 2019
    Analysis of active geologic structures, including strike slip fault systems, secondary structures in stepovers and related eruptive centers. Includes the use of digital imagery, elevation models, offset geomorphic features and Quaternary deposits to determine local deformation rates and their relation to plate motions. Recommended prerequisite: GEOL 4712.
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