The primary vision of my research seeks to understand the neuronal circuits and mechanisms the control the motivation for novelty exploration and adaptive learning processes with repeated exposures, by using a multidisciplinary research strategy with cutting-edge tools that integrate circuit mapping, gene expression analysis, photometry recordings, optogenetics, together with mouse behavioral paradigms.
Novelty, Anxiety, Social behaviors, Threat processing, Defensive Learning, Opioid Use Disorder, Drug Withdrawal
NRSC 4011 - Senior Thesis
Primary Instructor
Spring 2024
Senior Thesis credits are available for students during the semester that they write and defend a departmental Honors Thesis. A neuroscience honors thesis must be based on an empirical research project that the student directs/participates in under guidance from a faculty member. Contact the neuroscience director for further information.
NRSC 4545 - Neurobiology of Addiction
Primary Instructor
Spring 2024
Covers an intensive survey and synthesis of recent findings contributing to our understanding of the neurobiological basis of addiction. Analysis of both drug and behavioral addictions will be made at the molecular, cellular and neurocircuitry levels and synthesized into models utilizing common themes between various addictions and contributing pathologies. Same as NRSC 5545.
NRSC 7102 - Topics in Neuroscience
Primary Instructor
Spring 2023
Advanced seminar dealing with different specialized topics in neuroscience. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Instructor consent required for students outside of the department.