I research the intersection of technology, STEM teacher learning and professional development with sub-topics of mathematics education, computational thinking, physical computing, formative assessment, complex instruction, Artificial Intelligence, user experience research, compassion, and equity. Work at the University of Colorado’s Institute for Student and AI Teaming (iSAT) focuses on creating an AI agent and associated curriculum to support collaborative learning, promote equity and uplift non-dominant student ideas. My work there focuses on curriculum development, teacher professional learning communities for co-design, and UX design. Recently funded work focuses on creating an AI-augmented support model for algebra tutors to improve relational dynamics, equitable teaching practices and cognitive demand matching. Before joining ICS in 2020, my research focused primarily on technology to catalyze high leverage teacher practice relating to formative assessment and equitable discourse in middle and high school mathematics classrooms.
User Experience Research, Human Computer Interaction, Teacher Professional Learning, STEM Education, Computer Science Education, AI Education, AI Ethics
EDUC 4821 - Teaching K-12 Mathematics: Algebraic Thinking
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020
Uses reform-based mathematics curricula to engage participants in algebraic thinking, to reflect on their own knowledge of algebraic concepts, and to examine pedagogical ideas that can foster K-12 students' algebraic thinking and learning. Algebraic topics include patterning, variable, functions, multiple representations, equality, and solving linear and systems of equations. Same as EDUC 5821.
EDUC 5375 - Problem-Based Math Instruction
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Spring 2019 / Fall 2019 / Spring 2020
Focuses on curriculum, materials, methods and assessment, and related aspects of instruction. Introduces best practices in teaching mathematics in middle and high schools. Students are required to work in a classroom 4 hours per week. Examines the Colorado Academic Content Standards. Recommended corequisite: EDUC 4023. Same as EDUC 4375.
EDUC 5821 - Teaching K-12 Mathematics: Algebraic Thinking
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020
Uses reform-based mathematics curricula to engage participants in algebraic thinking, to reflect on their own knowledge of algebraic concepts, and to examine pedagogical ideas that can foster K-12 students' algebraic thinking and learning. Algebraic topics include patterning, variable, functions, multiple representations, equality, and solving linear and systems of equations. Same as EDUC 4821.
EDUC 5840 - Teaching K-12 Mathematics: Probability & Statistics
Primary Instructor
Summer 2019
Focuses on teaching probability, data analysis, and statistics in K-12 classrooms. Explores curriculum and assessment strategies in the areas of probability and statistics. Examines research on students' thinking on stochastic tasks and how this research informs teaching practice. Emphasizes deepening of one's conceptual understanding of probability and statistics and their importance in the current information age. Same as EDUC 4850.