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Publications in VIVO

Antman, Francisca M



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Professor Antman's research investigates the impact of international migration on family members left behind in developing countries as well as the impact of immigration enforcement on families in the U.S. She has several papers looking at how parental migration affects children's schooling and child labor as well as papers on the impact of migration on contributions toward elderly parents left behind and their associated health outcomes. Her other research projects explore the allocation of resources within households and families, the endogeneity of race and ethnicity, and economic development in historical perspective.


  • International migration and human capital investments, income inequality, poverty traps, adult children’s care for elderly parents, economic mobility of individuals and families over time and generations, allocation of resources within households and families, endogeneity of race and ethnicity, economic development in historical perspective, higher education, innovation


selected publications


courses taught

  • ECON 4616 - Labor Economics
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Spring 2021
    Examines the influence of markets, unions, and government on labor allocation and remuneration. Analyzes human capital, discrimination, mobility and migration, productivity, unemployment, and inflation. Compares outcomes under competition with those in a world marked by shared market power and bargaining.
  • ECON 4784 - Economic Development
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Fall 2019 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2021
    Explores empirical, theoretical, and policy issues in economic development. Examines topics with reference to the developing countries: income distribution and poverty, demographic change, labor force employment and migration, human capital, physical capital, natural resources and the environment, industrial structure, international trade, and finance.
  • ECON 4848 - Applied Econometrics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Fall 2018 / Spring 2019
    Introduces students to the practice of applied regression analysis. Summarizes and reviews the regression technique, explores U.S. census data sources, introduces an advanced statistical software package and provides structured exercises in regression analysis of census data. Concludes with independent research projects analyzing social and economic issues using regression analysis and census data.
  • ECON 8784 - Economic Development 2
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2022 / Fall 2023
    Focuses on microeconomic issues surrounding economic development from a largely empirical perspective, emphasizing applied econometric techniques. Topics covered in the two sections will vary to keep up with the current research but this course will cover a variety of papers covering different research design and program evaluation methods on topical areas including, but not limited to, distribution of resources within households, environmental and natural resources, as well as migration and gender issues relevant for developing countries. The course can be taken independently or in conjunction with 8774 to make a two-semester sequence in economic development.


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