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Publications in VIVO

Hayne, Paul

Associate Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Paul Hayne is a planetary scientist studying the surfaces and atmospheres of terrestrial planets, moons, and asteroids. His research focuses on thermal conditions driving changes in the stability of ice on these planetary bodies, and their effects on climate and habitability. In pursuit of these research goals, Dr. Hayne leads the development of new spacecraft missions and instrumentation, and uses the latest data along with innovative computational models to better understand planetary phenomena.


  • planetary science, remote sensing, planetary atmospheres, volatiles, polar ice caps, icy satellites, dwarf planets, climate of Mars, lunar science, eclipses, spacecraft instrumentation and technology


selected publications


courses taught

  • ASTR 1030 - Accelerated Introductory Astronomy 1
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018
    Covers principles of modern astronomy summarizing our present knowledge about the Earth, Sun, moon, planets and origin of life. Requires nighttime observation sessions at Sommers-Bausch Observatory. Required in ASTR major/minor. Like ASTR 1000 and 1010, but taught at a higher intellectual level, including a significant amount of quantitative analysis. Degree credit not granted for this course and ASTR 1000 or ASTR 1010.
  • ASTR 3400 - Research Methods in Astronomy
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    Introduces research methods in astronomy and engages students in an active research project. The research projects will vary and may include astronomical observations, data analysis, scientific programming, theoretical models and statistical inference. As part of their research, students will read scientific papers, attend local seminars and prepare oral and written research proposals and reports. Elective for ASTR majors.
  • ASTR 3720 - Planets and Their Atmospheres
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Explores the physics and chemistry of the atmospheres of Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Titan. Examines evolution of the atmospheres of Earth, Venus, and Mars; and the escape of gases from the Galilean satellites, Titan and Mars; the orbital characteristics of moons, planets, and comets. Uses recent results of space exploration. Elective for APS major and minor. Same as ATOC 3720.
  • ASTR 3750 - Planets, Moons, and Rings
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022
    Approaches the physics of planets, emphasizing their surfaces, satellites, and rings. Topics include formation and evolution of planetary surfaces, history of the terrestrial planets, and dynamics of planetary rings. This course and ASTR 3720 may be taken for credit in any order. Elective for APS major and minor.
  • ASTR 5800 - Planetary Surfaces and Interiors
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2023
    Examines processes operating on the surfaces of solid planets and in their interiors. Emphasizes spacecraft observations, their interpretation, the relationship to similar processes on Earth, the relationship between planetary surfaces and interiors and the integrated geologic histories of the terrestrial planets and satellites. Same as GEOL 5800.
  • ASTR 5835 - Seminar in Planetary Science
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023
    Studies current research on a topic in planetary science. Students and faculty give presentations. Subjects may vary each semester. May be repeated up to 4 total credit hours to meet candidacy requirements. Department enforced prerequisite: senior level undergraduate physics. Same as ATOC 5835 and GEOL 5835.
  • ATOC 3720 - Planets and Their Atmospheres
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Explores the physics and chemistry of the atmospheres of Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Titan. Examines evolution of the atmospheres of Earth, Venus, and Mars; and the escape of gases from the Galilean satellites, Titan and Mars; the orbital characteristics of moons, planets, and comets. Uses recent results of space exploration. Elective for APS major and minor. Same as ASTR 3720.
  • ATOC 5835 - Seminar in Planetary Science
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023
    Studies current research on a topic in planetary science. Students and faculty give presentations. Subjects may vary each semester. May be repeated up to 4 total credit hours to meet candidacy requirements. Department enforced prerequisite: senior level undergraduate physics. Same as ASTR 5835 and GEOL 5835.
  • GEOL 5800 - Planetary Surfaces and Interiors
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019
    Examines processes operating on the surfaces of solid planets and in their interiors. Emphasizes spacecraft observations, their interpretation, the relationship to similar processes on Earth, the relationship between planetary surfaces and interiors and the integrated geologic histories of the terrestrial planets and satellites. Same as ASTR 5800.
  • GEOL 5835 - Seminar in Planetary Science
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023
    Studies current research on a topic in planetary science. Students and faculty give presentations. Subjects may vary each semester. May be repeated up to 4 total credit hours to meet candidacy requirements. Department enforced prerequisite: senior level undergraduate physics. Same as ATOC 5835 and ASTR 5835.


International Activities

Other Profiles


  • phayne