Geoff Marslett is an award winning filmmaker. He's exhibited work internationally theatrically, on the Internet, on television and in major film and media festivals. He has produced and directed narrative, animated and documentary feature and short format films. His work has been reviewed by both industry and popular publications including wired, New York Times, Variety, BBC, Think Progress, The Village Voice, The Hollywood Reporter and many more. He is also an accomplished actor. Recently he has begun writing podcasts and pilots for television as well.
Narrative filmmaking,documentary filmmaking, animation, screenwriting, film curating, film exhibition, online exhibition, crowdfunding, producing, acting
courses taught
ARTF 5021 - Directing/Acting for the Camera
Primary Instructor
Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022
Offers an intensive workshop that provides students with experience directing dramatic material, acting before a camera, and interpreting or adopting dramatic material for film. No experience in directing or acting required. Attendance, research, and papers required. Same as CINE 4021.
CINE 2105 - Introduction to the Screenplay
Primary Instructor
Fall 2019 / Spring 2020 / Fall 2020
Explores, through close reading and original student work, the form and structure of the screenplay. Students will learn to analyze structural and character elements of classic screenplays, and breaking down such elements as character, motivation, and arc. Students may learn some very basics of screenwriting form, develop a treatment, explore formal and technical issues, etc. Formerly FILM 2105.
CINE 3020 - Filmmaking Abroad: Acting & Directing Internationally
Primary Instructor
Summer 2022 / Summer 2023
Offers an intensive three-week production seminar to realize a short narrative film. Students immerse themselves in a city abroad, in collaboration with fellow CU students and the host population, as they scout locations and film their projects. Requires production responsibilities on both sides of the camera. A Global Seminar offered during Maymester through CU International Education. Same as THTR 3020.
CINE 3400 - Cinema Production I
Primary Instructor
Fall 2021
Exploration of creative cinema production through short production and post-production projects. A short final project will be required. Focuses on the tactics and strategies of independent cinema production, examining a variety of approaches to genre. Explores a range of film and digital technologies. Formerly FILM 3400.
CINE 3940 - Cinema Studies Internship
Primary Instructor
Fall 2020
Provides students with professional internship experiences with film, video, new media production companies, governmental agencies, production units, audio recording studios and new media industries. Students will be responsible for securing their own internship position. May be repeated up to 9 credit hours. Recommended prerequisite: CU GPA of at least 2.00 and upper-division standing and a 3.00 GPA as a BA or BFA Cinema Studies major. Formerly FILM 3940.
CINE 4005 - Screenwriting Workshop: Short Form
Primary Instructor
Spring 2023
A writing intensive course that focuses on the art of the short form screenplay. Students will complete regular writing exercises, presentations, and several short scripts. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Formerly FILM 4005.
CINE 4021 - Directing/Acting for the Camera
Primary Instructor
Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022
Offers an intensive production seminar to prepare actors and directors to work collaboratively and effectively for the medium of the camera. Directing vocabulary, script interpretation, film terminology and acting techniques are applied. Explores situations in which actors and directors interact, from auditions to rehearsals to filming. Requires attendance, textbook readings, research and production responsibilities on both sides of the camera. Recommended prerequisite: CINE 1502. Formerly FILM 4021. Same as ARTF 5021.
CINE 4500 - Cinema Production 2
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020 / Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Fall 2022 / Spring 2023
Advanced exploration of creative cinema production through short production and post-production projects. Course focuses on the tactics and strategies of independent cinema production leading to the completion of a BFA thesis project exploring either documentary, experimental, or narrative genres. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Formerly FILM 4500. Same as ARTF 5500.
FILM 3400 - Cinema Production I
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018
Exploration of creative cinema production through short production and post-production projects. A short final project will be required. Focuses on the tactics and strategies of independent cinema production, examining a variety of approaches to genre. Explores a range of film and digital technologies. Formerly FILM 3400.
FILM 4005 - Screenwriting Workshop: Short Form
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018
A writing intensive course that focuses on the art of the short form screenplay. Students will complete regular writing exercises, presentations, and several short scripts. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Formerly FILM 4005.
THTR 3020 - Filmmaking Abroad: Acting & Directing Internationally
Primary Instructor
Summer 2022 / Summer 2023
Offers an intensive three-week production seminar to realize a short narrative film. Students immerse themselves in a city abroad, in collaboration with fellow CU students and the host population, as they scout locations and film their projects. Requires production responsibilities on both sides of the camera. A Global Seminar offered during Maymester through CU International Education. Same as CINE 3020.