Sam Gill is currently in the midst of what he terms his 'movement project.' His interests in movement stem from a long history of studying dancing and from his own dancing experience. While a significant portion of his research and publications center on dancing, he has developed his interests in movement much more broadly to include perception and gesture approached from a variety of perspectives including philosophy, neuroscience, psychology, and cognitive science. His own movement practices continue to inform his research. The 'movement project' will include at least 4 books and a number of articles. He is also doing research and writing on the interconnection between technological development and religion.
RLST 3838 - Dancing, Religion, and Culture
Primary Instructor
Summer 2018
A critical examination of the received cultural, religious, and academic understandings of dancing and the body; the construction of a richer theory of dancing that will more adequately support comparative studies; the study of dancing in cultures and religions in a diverse representation of cultures; and a more in depth social study of Latin American dancing including actual dancing experience.