Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Anthropogenic control of biogenic SOA: sulfate as a trigger for aqSOA from isoprene
- Anthropogenic noise, psychological stress and fitness: disrupted glucocorticoid signaling among breeding songbirds
- Anthropogenic Space Weather
- Antibiotic production in space
- Anticipatory systems and time: A new look at Rosennean complexity
- Antieigenvalue Analysis, New Applications: Continuum Mechanics, Economics,Number Theory
- Antieigenvalues in Analysis
- Antiferroelectric liquid crystals from achiral molecules and a liquid conglomerate
- Antimicrobial surfactants in water and sediment: Determination and environmental distribution.
- Anxiety-specific influences on substance use: evidence of a protective effect in adolescence and a risk factor in adulthood
- Any-Corn Multi-robot Path-Planning: Maximizing Collaboration for Variable Bandwidth
- Any-Time Path-Planning: Time-Varying Wind Field plus Moving Obstacles
- AnyType
- AnyType: Creating Typography from Anything, Anywhere
- Aperture edge scatter calibration of the cavity radiometers for the spaceflight Total Irradiance Monitor
- APF-PF: Probabilistic Depth Perception for 3D Reactive Obstacle Avoidance
- Aphasia Treatment over the Internet: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial
- API Code Recommendation using Statistical Learning from Fine-Grained Changes
- Apodization Schemes for Short-Lag Spatial Coherence Imaging
- Apparent overdominance in natural plant populations
- Apples vs. Oranges: Comparison of Student Performance in a MOOC vs. a Brick-and-Mortar Course
- Application and System-Level Software Fault Tolerance Through Full System Restarts
- Application of a Biot-Savart Solver to Predict Axis Switching Phenomenon in Finite-Span Vortices Expelled from a Synthetic Jet
- Application of a Modular Particle-Continuum Method to Partially Rarefied, Hypersonic Flow
- Application of a neural network model to GPS ionosphere error correction
- Application of a three-dimensional variational analysis in RUC-2
- Application of advanced oxidation processes for the removal of organic contaminants from wastewater
- Application of Advanced Oxidation Processes in the Treatment and Reuse of Hydraulic Fracturing Wastewater
- Application of Advanced Oxidation Processes in the Treatment and Reuse of Hydraulic Fracturing Wastewater