Conference Proceeding RDF
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- Analyzing and visualizing student work with; BeSocratic
- Analyzing behavioral changes of Twitter users after exposure to misinformation
- Analyzing Behavioral Changes of Twitter Users After Exposure to Misinformation
- Analyzing Factors Impacting Revining on the Vine Social Network
- Analyzing Labeled Cyberbullying Incidents on the Instagram Social Network
- Analyzing multi-dimensional networks within MediaWikis
- Analyzing Neighborhoods of Falsifying Traces in Cyber-Physical Systems
- Analyzing Organizational Routines in Online Knowledge Collaborations: A Case for Sequence Analysis in CSCW
- Analyzing Support Moments During Small-Group Work (Poster 41)
- Analyzing sustainable development: systems-based methods and; modeling tools for the Sustainable Development Goals
- Analyzing sustainable development: systems-based methods and; modeling tools for the Sustainable Development Goals
- Analyzing The Dynamics of Social Networks by Combining Psychometric Measures with Social Network Analysis
- Analyzing the Impact of Solar Power on Multi-Hourly Thermal Generator Ramping
- Analyzing the Impacts of Increased Wind Power on Generation Revenue Sufficiency
- Analyzing the Impacts of Variable Renewable Resources on California Net-Load Ramp Events
- Analyzing the potential application of the earned value management (EVM) in the Spanish construction industry - An initial review of the dataset
- Analyzing the Reachability Problem in Choice Networks
- Anammox vs. denitrification in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific during glacial terminations
- Anammox vs. denitrification in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific during glacial terminations
- AnchorMF: Towards Effective Event Context Identification
- Android apps consistency scrutinized
- Android GNSS/INS Using Complementary Filter
- Android Raw GNSS Measurements as the New Anti-Spoofing and Anti-Jamming Solution
- Angle-resolved PEPICO imaging of the dissociative ionization of methyl azide and methylenimine using a tabletop high harmonic generation light source
- Angular momentum transport in the solar tachocline
- Angular-dependence of molecular photoionization cross-sections studied by time-resolved EUV spectroscopy
- AnimaStage: Hands-on Animated Craft on Pin-based Shape Displays
- Animated Linen: Using High-twist Hygromorphic Yarn to Produce Interactive Woven Textiles