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Publications in VIVO

Bally, John

Professor Emerita/Emeritus


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Bally investigates the physics of the interstellar medium and star formation at visual, infrared, mm, and radio wavelengths. He studies star, planet, and cluster formation, and the jets and outflows young stars produce. He uses ground-based and space-based telescopes and interferometers to obtain the high resolution observations of star forming complexes. He uses observations and numerical methods to distinguish between theories of massive star and cluster formation, models of outflow production, and the self-regulation of star formation. He continues observational & theoretical work on UV induced planetesimal formation. He continues work on a the speculative model proposed by Lee Smolin that our Universe formed from a black hole in a previous Universe, that certain black holes create new Universes, and that cosmology may follow a form of 'Cosmic Natural Selection' similar to Darwinian biological evolution. He gives public lectures to popularize astronomy.


  • astrophysics, physics of the interstellar medium, star and planet formation, early stellar evolution, protostellar jets and outflows, observations at visual, near-infrared, sub-mm, and radio wavelengths, astronomical instrumentation, formation, evolution, and destruction of molecular clouds in the galaxy, large-scale astronomical surveys, advanced space instrumentation concepts for future missions, strategies for finding Earth-like planets, cosmology, public-outreach


selected publications


courses taught

  • ASTR 2010 - Modern Cosmology-Origin and Structure of the Universe
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020
    Introduces modern cosmology to nonscience majors. Covers the Big Bang; the age, size, and structure of the universe; and the origin of the elements and of stars, galaxies, the solar system, and life.
  • ASTR 3510 - Observations and Instrumentation 1
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2020
    Lab course in astronomical observation and instrumentation. Hands-on exercises include obtaining and analyzing multi-wavelength data, basic optical design and instrumentation and statistical analysis of data, with emphasis on imaging applications. A significant number of night time observation sessions are required. Elective for APS majors. Practical Python knowledge required (ASTR/PHYS 2600 or equivalent strongly recommended.) Elective for APS minors on space available basis.
  • ASTR 3730 - Astrophysics 1 - Stellar and Interstellar
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019
    Provides a quantitative introduction to the radiative and gravitational physics relevant to stellar and galactic astrophysics, as applied to understanding observations of tars, stellar evolution, stellar remnants and the structure of the Milky Way. Elective for APS major and minor.


International Activities

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