subject area of
- Adenosine A2A Receptors in the Nucleus Accumbens Bi-Directionally Alter Cocaine Seeking in Rats Journal Article
- Differential roles of ventral pallidum subregions during cocaine self-administration behaviors Journal Article
- Effects of Adolescent Caffeine Consumption on Cocaine Sensitivity Journal Article
- Effects of adenosine A2A receptor stimulation on cocaine-seeking behavior in rats Journal Article
- Effects of intranucleus accumbens shell administration of dopamine agonists and antagonists on cocaine-taking and cocaine-seeking behaviors in the rat Journal Article
- Environmental context modulates the ability of cocaine and amphetamine to induce c-fos mRNA expression in the neocortex, caudate nucleus, and nucleus accumbens Journal Article
- Environmental modulation of amphetamine-induced c-fos expression in D1 versus D2 striatal neurons Journal Article
- Loss of the trpc4 gene is associated with a reduction in cocaine self-administration and reduced spontaneous ventral tegmental area dopamine neuronal activity, without deficits in learning for natural rewards Journal Article
- Modulation of the locomotor properties of morphine and amphetamine by uncontrollable stress Journal Article
- Personality factors moderate subjective and psychophysiological responses to d-amphetamine in humans Journal Article
- Prior Cocaine Experience Impairs Normal Phasic Dopamine Signals of Reward Value in Accumbens Shell Journal Article
- Rapid Phasic Activity of Ventral Pallidal Neurons During Cocaine Self-Administration Journal Article
- Rat ultrasonic vocalizations demonstrate that the motivation to contextually reinstate cocaine-seeking behavior does not necessarily involve a hedonic response Journal Article
- Region-specific tolerance to cocaine-regulated cAMP-dependent protein phosphorylation following chronic self-administration Journal Article
- Renewed Cocaine Exposure Produces Transient Alterations in Nucleus Accumbens AMPA Receptor-Mediated Behavior Journal Article
- Slow phasic and tonic activity of ventral pallidal neurons during cocaine self-administration Journal Article
- Stimulation of adenosine receptors in the nucleus accumbens reverses the expression of cocaine sensitization and cross-sensitization to dopamine D-2 receptors in rats Journal Article
- Terminal Dopamine Release Kinetics in the Accumbens Core and Shell Are Distinctly Altered after Withdrawal from Cocaine Self-Administration Journal Article
- Tropomyosin-Related Kinase B in the Mesolimbic Dopamine System: Region-Specific Effects on Cocaine Reward Journal Article