publication venue for
- Density-dependent plasticity in territoriality revealed using social network analysis 2023
- It's a worm-eat-worm world: Consumption of parasite free-living stages protects hosts and benefits predators 2022
- Initial abundance and stochasticity influence competitive outcome in communities 2021
- Dynamic shifts in social network structure and composition within a breeding hybrid population 2021
- Disease's hidden death toll: Using parasite aggregation patterns to quantify landscape-level host mortality in a wildlife system 2020
- Community context and dispersal stochasticity drive variation in spatial spread 2020
- Decoupling the effects of food and density on life-history plasticity of wild animals using field experiments: Insights from the steward who sits in the shadow of its tail, the North American red squirrel 2020
- Territory acquisition mediates the influence of predators and climate on juvenile red squirrel survival 2020
- Tracking the assembly of nested parasite communities: Using β-diversity to understand variation in parasite richness and composition over time and scale 2020
- When can competition and dispersal lead to checkerboard distributions? 2019
- Experimental evidence that density mediates negative frequency-dependent selection on aggression 2018
- Of poisons and parasites-the defensive role of tetrodotoxin against infections in newts 2018
- Experimental investigation of alternative transmission functions: Quantitative evidence for the importance of nonlinear transmission dynamics in host-parasite systems 2018
- Parasite metacommunities: Evaluating the roles of host community composition and environmental gradients in structuring symbiont communities within amphibians 2018
- Social behaviour and gut microbiota in red-bellied lemurs (Eulemur rubriventer): In search of the role of immunity in the evolution of sociality 2018
- Host and parasite thermal acclimation responses depend on the stage of infection 2016
- Parasite infection alters nitrogen cycling at the ecosystem scale 2016
- Predators, energetics and fitness drive neonatal reproductive failure in red squirrels 2015
- Heterogeneous hosts: how variation in host size, behaviour and immunity affects parasite aggregation 2014
- Biomass and productivity of trematode parasites in pond ecosystems 2013
- Pterin-based ornamental coloration predicts yolk antioxidant levels in female striped plateau lizards (Sceloporus virgatus) 2011
- Factors controlling community structure in heterogeneous metacommunities 2009
- All hosts are not equal: explaining differential patterns of malformations in an amphibian community 2009
- Cohort effects in red squirrels: the influence of density, food abundance and temperature on future survival and reproductive success 2008
- Significance of diet type and diet quality for ecological diversity of African ungulates 2007
- Dietary protein constraint on age at maturity: an experimental test with wild deer mice 1999
- Effects of habitat fragmentation on carabid beetles: experimental evidence 1998
- Interactive effects of sublethal nematodes and nutritional status on snowshoe hare vulnerability to predation 1997
- Density dependence: Are we searching at the wrong spatial scale? 1996