The Mountain Limnology Lab investigates the impact of global environmental change on aquatic ecosystems in mountainous regions. We study a range of topics including the interactive effects of nitrogen deposition and climate change, the impact of wildfire on water quality, and the consequences of changing ice phenology on lake ecosystem ecology.
EBIO 4030 - Limnology
Primary Instructor
Fall 2023
Examines the ecology of inland waters, including a detailed consideration of physical, chemical and biological properties of freshwater ecosystems: origins and major characteristics of lakes and streams, survey of chemical and nutrient cycles in freshwater habitats and survey of biotic composition of freshwater environments. Important themes in modern freshwater ecology are considered, including energy flow, trophic structure, eutrophication and management of freshwater ecosystems. Recommended prerequisites: EBIO 1210 and EBIO 1220 (minimum grade C-). Same as EBIO 5030.