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Publications in VIVO

Cloud, Anya

Assistant Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Anya Cloud (she/her) is an an experimental contemporary dance artist who is originally from Alaska. Her research involves the intersections of Contact Improvisation, Improvisation, Contemporary Dance, Somatics, Dance Activism, Choreography, Collaboration, and Performance through queer, feminist, and anti-racist perspectives. Her choreographic and performance work, both live and dance film, has been presented nationally and internationally through numerous venues, festivals, universities and in obscure spaces/places. Collaboration as a queer survival practice is central to all of her work. Anya orients her research, pedagogy, and practice through embodied questioning and sensitizing to cultivate radical aliveness. She believes in the transformative power of dancing with the bodies that we have as the people we are. Anya is committed to ongoing justice and decolonizing work, community facilitation and engagement, and supporting the viability and sustainability of experimental dance in relationship with the current world. She is currently working with the research question: what can we do together that we cannot do alone?


  • contact improvisation, improvisation, contemporary dance, somatics, feldenkrais, performance, choreography, dance activism, queering practices, embodied social justice, cross-disciplinary collaboration, touch


selected publications


courses taught

  • DNCE 1013 - Dance Improvisation
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023
    An opportunity for students to develop skills of dance improvisation through the exploration of structured movement problems. Students study selected contemporary dance artists whose work stresses improvisation in performance and/or as a training vehicle. Department consent required for dance minors.
  • DNCE 2021 - Major Technique
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Fall 2021
    Designed for Dance majors. Enrollment by audition only. May be repeated up to 16 total credit hours.
  • DNCE 3033 - Choreographic Resources
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023
    Explores movement invention and strategies of choreographic manipulation of body, space and time. Students add to their toolbox of compositional resources through solo and duet studies. Class interrogates and supports the students' developing language for addressing, critiquing and comprehending compositional choices and structures through verbal and written feedback practice. Can be taken out of sequence with DNCE 3043. Formerly DNCE 2033.
  • DNCE 3041 - Major Technique
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2022 / Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Designed for dance majors. Enrollment by audition only. May be repeated up to 16 total credit hours.
  • DNCE 3901 - Technique Practicum
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021 / Spring 2022
    Topical course (intermediate level) in dance technique. See subtopic for specific form. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. May require an audition.
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International Activities