• Contact Info

Johnson, Justin

Assistant Teaching Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Radiant Hearts Theatre company specializes in applied theatre techniques to advance engagement in social discourse, raise capacity for elevating conversations and increase the power of expression.​ Applied Theatre is what happens when a group of people working in community use the techniques of drama and theatre to address an issue of social concern. Our applied theatre workshops include Forum Theatre, Image Theatre, Newspaper Theatre and Playback Theatre, but we will make efforts to accommodate any type of theatre request. Applied theatre can be used to support the goals and challenges within a variety of organizations - non-profits, corporations, educational theatre programs or religious gatherings. ​


  • I am interested in the convergence of theatre arts, diversity, spirituality and social justice issues. How can we leverage theatre to make change in our communities and societies? What role can religion play? Can the empathy and humanity displayed through theatrical arts shift civilization from a \"me\" centered to a \"we\" centered ideal? How can the theatre arts positively influence and inform the injustices in our communities?


courses taught

  • PMUS 1117 - Musical Theatre Studio I
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Explores creativity, collaboration, and communication in the craft of acting both in musical theatre and stage acting, specifically directed to the Musical Theatre degree student. Focuses on terms and concepts of psychological realism fundamental to the actors' process through solo work and ensemble exercises. Emphasis on developing a character through analysis and scene study. Various acting modalities will be introduced. Same as THTR 1117.
  • PMUS 1217 - Musical Theatre Studio II
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    Explores creativity, collaboration, and communication in the craft of acting both in musical theatre specifically directed to the Musical Theatre degree student. Focuses on terms and concepts of psychological realism fundamental to the actors' process through solo work and ensemble exercises. Emphasis on developing a character through analysis and scene study. This course is a continuation of PMUS 1117.
  • PMUS 2044 - Foundational Musical Theatre Styles
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Investigates foundational styles and performative and physical tags. Students will identify and perform a variety of Musical Theatre repertoire, including European Operetta, Gilbert and Sullivan, Musical Comedy, Rock, Popsical, and Contemporary styles. Focuses on the connection between voice, breath and body and its importance to these styles.
  • PMUS 2117 - Musical Theatre Studio Class III
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    Explores the creation of extended musical theatre performance using acting, movement and vocal techniques, with an emphasis on the ensemble. Topics: finding the arc of a role, staging techniques for small and large ensembles, rehearsal and performance skills for a range of contexts from summer stock to Broadway. Same as THTR 2117.
  • PMUS 3117 - Musical Theatre Studio Class IV
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023
    Explores the development of solo performance sets of songs in cabaret and small theatre venues incorporating a range of musical styles. Topics include: How to create an audition video, Commercial auditions, Conceive, construct and perform a cabaret and/or small theatrical event, and how to collaborate with a musical production team. Same as THTR 3117.
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