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Publications in VIVO

Sylvester, Roshanna Patricia

Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Originally trained in Russian history (PhD Yale University), Sylvester specializes in the histories of gender, technology and culture and the history of childhood in the early space age. Her first book, Tales of Old Odessa: Crime and Civility in a City of Thieves, explored identity creation and expression in the pre-revolutionary city through analysis of crime reporting in the popular press. Sylvester’s current project, Dreams in Orbit: Girls and Space-Age Cultures in Cold War America and the Soviet Union focuses on letters from Soviet and American young people to the pioneering spacefarers Yuri Gagarin, John Glenn, and Valentina Tereshkova. External funding for the project has been provided by the Spencer Foundation, the American Philosophical Society and the Kennan Institute. Sylvester has published research articles in Slavic Review, Russian Review, Journal of the History of Sexuality, Journal of Urban History, Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas and several edited volumes on Soviet space history and culture. Her work has been featured in The Conversation, Smithsonian Magazine, AP News, the Los Angeles Review of Books, the Russian History blog and others. She has also presented at CU Boulder’s Fiske Planetarium and the Manfred Olsen Planetarium (at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee).


  • Early Space Age, Women Astronauts, History of Childhood, Technology and Culture, STEM gender gap


selected publications


courses taught

  • CMCI 3000 - Special Topics in CMCI
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019
    Investigates special topics in media, communication and information at the upper-division level. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours on different topics.
  • CMDP 2010 - Information, Media and Technology
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021 / Fall 2021 / Spring 2022
    Surveys the intertwined histories of information, media, and technology production and use through exploration of a shared topic. Examines the political, social, economic, and cultural contexts that underlie the movement toward a digital society. Enhances students� abilities to do research, write for multiple audiences, and create publicly-facing digital projects.
  • CMDP 3050 - Research/Remix
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2024
    This Composition and Expression seminar develops information literacy practices: self-motivated, reflective discovery; critical source evaluation; and responsible, ethical knowledge creation. Encourages the seeking of multiple perspectives and diverse viewpoints through critically informed research, reflection, and creative work. Provides hands-on training in advanced searching, fact-checking, citation, and licensing. Enhances understanding of creators� rights and responsibilities. Formerly CMDP 3550.
  • CMDP 3550 - Research/Remix
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023
    This Composition and Expression seminar develops information literacy practices: self-motivated, reflective discovery; critical source evaluation; and responsible, ethical knowledge creation. Encourages the seeking of multiple perspectives and diverse viewpoints through critically informed research, reflection, and creative work. Provides hands-on training in advanced searching, fact-checking, citation, and licensing. Enhances understanding of creators� rights and responsibilities.
  • ENES 1010 - Humanity in a Technological Age
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Spring 2021 / Fall 2021 / Spring 2022 / Spring 2023 / Fall 2023 / Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    This seminar considers what it means to be human in an increasingly technological age. Designed for engineering students, it also looks at the role of technology designers and creators in shaping the human environment. Students focus on sharpening their written and oral communication skills through a series of iterative assignments and projects. Fulfills College of Engineering writing requirement for first-year students only.
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