selected publications
journal article
- Changing genetic architecture of body mass index from infancy to early adulthood: an individual based pooled analysis of 25 twin cohorts. International Journal of Obesity. 1901-1909. 2022
- Educational attainment of same-sex and opposite-sex dizygotic twins: An individual-level pooled study of 19 twin cohorts.. Hormones and Behaviour. 105054. 2021
- Mortality and Obesity Among US Older Adults: The Role of Polygenic Risk. Journal of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 343-347. 2021
- Etiological Overlap Between Sex Under the Influence and Number of Lifetime Sexual Partners. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 12-29. 2021
- Genes Related to Education Predict Frailty Among Older Adults in the United States. Journal of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 173-183. 2021
- Genetic and environmental variation in educational attainment: an individual-based analysis of 28 twin cohorts. Scientific Reports. 2020
- Genetic and environmental influences on human height from infancy through adulthood at different levels of parental education. Scientific Reports. 2020
- The CODATwins Project: The Current Status and Recent Findings of COllaborative Project of Development of Anthropometrical Measures in Twins. Twin Research and Human Genetics. 800-808. 2019
- A mutation associated with stress resistance in mice is associated with human grip strength and mortality. Biodemography and Social Biology. 245-256. 2019
- Childhood language development and later alcohol use behaviors. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 95-99. 2019
- Parental Education and Genetics of BMI from Infancy to Old Age: A Pooled Analysis of 29 Twin Cohorts. Obesity. 855-865. 2019
- Provider bias as a function of patient genotype: polygenic score analysis among diabetics from the Health and Retirement Study. Obesity Science & Practice. 448-454. 2018
- Education, Smoking, and Cohort Change: Forwarding a Multidimensional Theory of the Environmental Moderation of Genetic Effects. American Sociological Review. 802-832. 2018
- Genetic and environmental factors affecting birth size variation: a pooled individual-based analysis of secular trends and global geographical differences using 26 twin cohorts. International Journal of Epidemiology. 1195-1206. 2018
- Association of current and former smoking with body mass index: A study of smoking discordant twin pairs from 21 twin cohorts. PLoS One. 2018
- Associations between birth size and later height from infancy through adulthood: An individual based pooled analysis of 28 twin cohorts participating in the CODATwins project. Early Human Development. 53-60. 2018
- Association between birthweight and later body mass index: an individual-based pooled analysis of 27 twin cohorts participating in the CODATwins project. International Journal of Epidemiology. 1488-1498. 2017
- Education in Twins and Their Parents Across Birth Cohorts Over 100 years: An Individual-Level Pooled Analysis of 42-Twin Cohorts. Twin Research and Human Genetics. 395-405. 2017
- Genetic influences on the human oral microbiome. BMC Genomics. 2017
- Differences in genetic and environmental variation in adult BMI by sex, age, time period, and region: an individual-based pooled analysis of 40 twin cohorts. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 457-466. 2017
- Does the sex of one's co-twin affect height and BMI in adulthood? A study of dizygotic adult twins from 31 cohorts. Biology of Sex Differences. 2017
- Genetic and environmental influences on adult human height across birth cohorts from 1886 to 1994. eLife. 2016
- A Longitudinal Adoption Study of Substance Use Behavior in Adolescence. Twin Research and Human Genetics. 330-340. 2016
- Genetic and environmental effects on body mass index from infancy to the onset of adulthood: an individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts participating in the COllaborative project of Development of Anthropometrical measures in Twins (CODATwins) study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 371-379. 2016
- Genetic and environmental influences on height from infancy to early adulthood: An individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts. Scientific Reports. 2016
- Zygosity Differences in Height and Body Mass Index of Twins From Infancy to Old Age: A Study of the CODATwins Project. Twin Research and Human Genetics. 557-570. 2015
- The CODATwins Project: The Cohort Description of Collaborative Project of Development of Anthropometrical Measures in Twins to Study Macro-Environmental Variation in Genetic and Environmental Effects on Anthropometric Traits. Twin Research and Human Genetics. 348-360. 2015
- Tests of a Direct Effect of Childhood Abuse on Adult Borderline Personality Disorder Traits: A Longitudinal Discordant Twin Design. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 180-194. 2013
- Testing the Role of Adolescent Sexual Initiation in Later-Life Sexual Risk Behavior: A Longitudinal Twin Design. Psychological Science. 924-933. 2011