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Publications in VIVO

Carr, Julie Alice



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Julie Carr's creative work involves the writing of poetry, essays, and nonfiction prose. Her research includes U.S. History, the study of American poetry and poetics, British 19th century poetry and poetics, and the relationships between poetry and politics, poetry and feminism, and poetry and social change more broadly. Her teaching includes poetry, poetics, inter-media art, performance, feminism, and 19th, 20th, and 21st century British and U.S. literature.


  • poetry, poetics, translation, inter-media art, feminism, affect theory, american literature, U.S. history/politics, british literature, intermedia arts


selected publications


courses taught

  • DNCE 5909 - Special Topics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Explores topics and research in relation to areas such as technology, environment, teaching methods, performance, world dance, arts in society, and/or criticism that the normal sequence of offerings may not allow. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours.Same as DNCE 2909 and DNCE 4909.
  • ENGL 3021 - Intermediate Poetry Workshop
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019
    Intermediate course in poetry writing. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours.
  • ENGL 4830 - Honors Thesis
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020
    Students accepted to English Departmental Honors are enrolled in this course.
  • ENGL 5019 - Survey of Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020
    Introduces a variety of critical and theoretical practices informing contemporary literary and cultural studies. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.
  • ENGL 5229 - Poetry Workshop
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Spring 2023
    Designed to give students time and impetus to generate poetry and discussion of it in an atmosphere at once supportive and critically serious. Enrollment requires admission to the Creative Writing Graduate Program or the instructor's approval of an application manuscript. May be repeated up to 12 total credit hours.
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