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Manley, Kevin W

Teaching Associate Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Dr. Manley's research is primarily directed at the intersection of the theory of integral transforms, functional analysis, and mathematical physics, that being the generalizations of the Fourier transform.


  • generalizations of the fourier transform, special functions, mathematical physics


courses taught

  • MATH 1112 - Mathematical Analysis in Business
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020
    Gives students experience with mathematical problem solving in real business contexts. Students will work with data and spreadsheets to build and analyze mathematical models. Themes of the course include applying logical operators to model business rules, interpreting data and using tables and graphs, finding break-even and optimal points, and addressing uncertainty and forecasting Degree credit not granted for this course and MATH 1012.
  • MATH 1150 - Precalculus Mathematics
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Spring 2019 / Fall 2019 / Spring 2020 / Fall 2020 / Spring 2021 / Fall 2021 / Spring 2022 / Fall 2022 / Spring 2023 / Fall 2023
    Develops techniques and concepts prerequisite to calculus through the study of trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, polynomial and other functions. For more information about the math placement referred to in the "Enrollment Requirements", please contact your academic advisor. Degree credit not granted for this course and APPM 1235 or MATH 1021.
  • MATH 2001 - Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2018 / Spring 2019 / Summer 2019 / Summer 2020 / Summer 2021 / Fall 2021 / Spring 2023
    Introduces the ideas of rigor and proof through an examination of basic set theory, existential and universal quantifiers, elementary counting, discrete probability, and additional topics. Credit not granted for this course and MATH 2002.
  • MATH 2002 - Number Systems: An Introduction to Higher Mathematics
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023
    Introduces the concepts of mathematical proofs using the construction of the real numbers from set theory. Topics include basic logic and set theory, equivalence relations and functions, Peano's axioms, construction of the integers, the rational numbers and axiomatic treatment of the real numbers. Credit not granted for this course and MATH 2001.
  • MATH 2130 - Introduction to Linear Algebra for Non-Mathematics Majors
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Fall 2019 / Spring 2020
    Examines basic properties of systems of linear equations, vector spaces, inner products, linear independence, dimension, linear transformations, matrices, determinants, eigenvalues, eigenvectors and diagonalization. Intended for students who do not plan to major in Mathematics. Degree credit not granted for this course and MATH 2135 or APPM 3310. Formerly MATH 3130.
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