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Publications in VIVO

Betterton, M. D.




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courses taught

  • MCDB 4560 - Introduction to Biophysics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023
    Covers an introduction to the physics of living systems. Focuses on how living systems are able to generate order, with both physical principles and biological examples. Covers the development of quantitative models for biological systems, including estimates. Taught from a physics perspective, with biology background introduced as needed. Recommended prerequisite: PHYS 4230. Same as MCDB 5560 and PHYS 4560 and PHYS 5560.
  • MCDB 5560 - Introduction to Biophysics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021 / Spring 2023
    Covers an introduction to the physics of living systems. Focuses on how living systems are able to generate order, with both physical principles and biological examples. Covers the development of quantitative models for biological systems, including estimates. Taught from a physics perspective, with biology background introduced as needed. Same as MCDB 4560 and PHYS 4560 and PHYS 5560.
  • MCDB 6000 - Introduction to Laboratory Methods
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2024
    Introduces methodology and techniques used in biological research. Designed as a tutorial between a few students and one faculty member. Students are expected to read original research papers, discuss findings, and to plan and execute experiments in selected areas. May be repeated up to 15 total credit hours.
  • PHYS 1115 - General Physics 1 for Majors
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018
    First semester of three semester sequence for physics, engineering physics and astronomy majors. Covers kinematics, dynamics momentum of particles and rigid bodies, work and energy, gravitation, simple harmonic motion and introduction to thermodynamics. Degree credit not granted for this course and PHYS 1110.
  • PHYS 1125 - General Physics 2 for Majors
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019 / Spring 2020
    Three lect., one rec per week, plus three evening exams in the fall and spring semesters. Second semester of three semester introductory sequence for physics, engineering and astronomy majors. Covers electricity and magnetism, wave motion and optics. Normally is taken concurrently with PHYS 1140. Degree credit not granted for this course and PHYS 1120.
  • PHYS 2210 - Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Methods 1
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022 / Spring 2024
    Theoretical Newtonian mechanics, including position and velocity dependent forces, oscillation, stability, non-inertial frames and gravitation from extended bodies. Ordinary differential equations, vector algebra, curvilinear coordinates, complex numbers, and Fourier series will be introduced in the context of the mechanics.
  • PHYS 2600 - Introduction to Programming and Scientific Computing
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2023
    Covers basic concepts in programming and scientific computing, including numerical integration and simulation of physical systems. Students will learn the programming language Python and associated graphics libraries. Programming examples will be drawn from classical physical systems that can only be solved numerically, such as projectile motion with drag and N-body problems.
  • PHYS 4560 - Introduction to Biophysics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021 / Spring 2023
    Covers an introduction to the physics of living systems. Focuses on how living systems are able to generate order, with both physical principles and biological examples. Covers the development of quantitative models for biological systems, including estimates. Taught from a physics perspective, with biology background introduced as needed. Recommended prerequisite: PHYS 4230. Same as PHYS 5560 and MCDB 4560 and MCDB 5560.
  • PHYS 5560 - Introduction to Biophysics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021 / Spring 2023
    Covers an introduction to the physics of living systems. Focuses on how living systems are able to generate order, with both physical principles and biological examples. Covers the development of quantitative models for biological systems, including estimates. Taught from a physics perspective, with biology background introduced as needed. Same as PHYS 4560 and MCDB 4560 and MCDB 5560.


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