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Publications in VIVO

Hertzberg, Jean R



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • My current research focus is in engineering education: open pedagogy and how to foster 'transformative experiences' for students via creative, aesthetic projects. I have pioneered two unique courses, Flow Visualization and Aesthetics in Design, where students are set free to create and publish new knowledge, unconstrained by funding agencies or competitive grading. My fluid dynamics research interests center around pulsatile, vortex dominated flows with applications ranging from combustion to coughs and atmospheric clouds. Current projects include the aerodynamics of woodwind instruments.


  • Engineering education, musical instrument aerodynamics


selected publications


courses taught

  • ARTF 5200 - Flow Visualization
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019 / Fall 2020
    Explores techniques for the visualization of the physics of fluid flows including seeding with dyes, particles and bubbles, and shadowgraphy and schlieren. Reviews optics and fluid physics, especially atmospheric clouds. Assignments are student-driven, to individuals and mixed teams of graduates, undergraduates, engineering majors and photography/video majors. Same as CINE 4200, MCEN 4151, MCEN 5151, ATLS 4151 and ATLS 5151.
  • ATLS 4151 - Flow Visualization
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018 / Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2023 / Fall 2024
    Explores techniques for the visualization of the physics of fluid flows including seeding with dyes, particles and bubbles, and shadowgraphy and schlieren. Reviews optics and fluid physics, especially atmospheric clouds. Assignments are student-driven, to individuals and mixed teams of graduates, undergraduates, engineering majors and photography/video majors. Same as ARTF 5200, MCEN 5151, MCEN 4151 and ATLS 5151.
  • ATLS 4279 - Aesthetics in Design
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023 / Spring 2024
    Focuses on aesthetic aspects of design via hands-on design-build experiences. Students individually create dynamic artifacts of their own choice with the assistance of teammates. Content includes major design movements since 1900, constructive critique practice, hand sketching techniques and other selected industrial design topics. Students publish their design work on an archival public blog which provides a professional portfolio element. Same as MCEN 4279 and MCEN 5279 and ATLS 5279.
  • ATLS 4519 - Advanced Special Topics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019 / Spring 2020 / Spring 2021
    Analyzes special interest areas of multidisciplinary creative technology and design research and practice. May be repeated up to 32 total credit hours.
  • ATLS 5151 - Flow Visualization
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2019 / Fall 2020
    Explores techniques for the visualization of the physics of fluid flows including seeding with dyes, particles and bubbles, and shadowgraphy and schlieren. Reviews optics and fluid physics, especially atmospheric clouds. Assignments are student-driven, to individuals and mixed teams of graduates, undergraduates, engineering majors and photography/video majors. Same as CINE 4200, MCEN 4151, MCEN 5151, ATLS 4151 and ARTF 5200.
  • ... more


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