Professor Walter works in two areas: 1) explaining relationships between mathematics and environmental subjects, and how each can be used to educate the public about the other -- as exemplified in the 2011 book (and second edition to appear 2020), ``Mathematics for the Environment,'' and in the article on ``Earthquakes and Weatherquakes: Mathematics and Climate Change'' published in the November 2010 issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society; and 2) order structures, operators algebras, group duality, and group representation theory.
operator algebras, order structures, group theory, representation theory, group duality, noncommutative harmonic analysis, environmental modeling, mathematical, environmental education, mathematics of climate disruption, financial crises, ecological economics, pollution, media literacy
MATH 2380 - Mathematics for the Environment
Primary Instructor
Fall 2019
An interdisciplinary course where environmental issues, such as climate change, global epidemics, pollution, population models and kinship relations of Australian Aborigines are studied with elementary mathematics (such as fuzzy logic). Similar techniques are applied to analyze other current events, such as surveillance, economic meltdowns, identity theft and media literacy. Department enforced prerequisite: proficiency in high school mathematics.
MATH 2400 - Calculus 3
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Fall 2018
Continuation of MATH 2300. Topics include vectors, three-dimensional analytic geometry, partial differentiation and multiple integrals, and vector analysis. Department enforced prerequisite: MATH 2300 or APPM 1360 (minimum grade C-). Degree credit not granted for this course and APPM 2350.
MATH 3001 - Analysis 1
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020
Provides a rigorous treatment of the basic results from elementary Calculus. Topics include the topology of the real line, sequences of numbers, continuous functions, differentiable functions and the Riemann integral.
MATH 3850 - Seminar in Guided Mathematics Instruction
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Fall 2018
Provides learning assistants with an opportunity to analyze assessment data for formative purposes and develop instructional plans as a result of these analyses. These formative assessment analyses will build on the literature in the learning sciences. Students gain direct experiences interacting with the tools of the trade, especially with actual assessment data and models of instruction. May be repeated up to 3 total credit hours. Restricted to learning assistants in Math.
MATH 8370 - Harmonic Analysis 1
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020
Examines trigonometric series, periodic functions, diophantine approximation and Fourier series. Also covers Bohr and Stepanoff almost periodic functions, positive definite functions and the L^1 and L^2 theory of the Fourier integral. Applications to group theory and differential equations. Department enforced prerequisites: MATH 5150 and MATH 6320. Instructor consent required for undergraduates.