research overview
- Frajzyngier's work is focused on the following areas: (1) Foundations of syntax and semantics (several books, some co-authored), numerous papers) (2) Description of undocumented and endangered languages (published studies of Awutu and grammars of Pero, Mupun, Lele, Gidar, Mina, Hdi, Wandala, and dictionaries of Pero, Mupun, and Hdi) (3) Emergence and evolution of grammatical systems (two books and numerous papers) (4) Linguistic Typology (6 books (two-coedited) , numerous papers) (5) Morphological theory (several papers) (6) Phonological theory (several papers) (7) Reference systems (several papers) (8) Language contact (9) Single-generation languages Frajzyngier worked alone or with collaborators on: Hausa (co-authored book ), Berber (two co-authored papers), English, Polish, Mandarin, Russian, Sino-Russian idiolects. Additional fieldwork on: Mada, Masa, Cibak, Hona, Kapsiki, and Somrai.