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Publications in VIVO

Calabrese, Andrew



Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Andrew Calabrese’s research emphasizes the relevance of critical social and political theory in explaining issues of media and citizenship, and media policy. His long-term interests include a focus on communication policy as social and cultural policy at national and transnational levels, and how social movement actors make use of the means of communication to mobilize their constituents and reach wider publics. Published research projects have focused on social mobilizations that have relied on digital communication to advance their causes; questions about the uses of digital media in nonviolent civil disobedience; the role of media in 20th and 21st century concepts of civil society and the public sphere; and the politics and policy activism related to media reform and communication rights in the United States and transnationally. His recent research is about media, culture, and food politics, and related issues of public knowledge, safety and risk.


  • Communication technologies and industries; social and political theory (emphases: public sphere, civil society, digital innovation, globalization, social justice movements); U.S. and transnational media policy


selected publications


courses taught

  • MDST 3002 - Digital Culture and Politics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2018
    Examines issues at the intersection of digital media, culture and politics, such as regulation and network architecture, piracy and hacking, and grassroots activism. Engage with a range of theories about cultural politics, democracy, liberalism and neo-liberalism in relation to digital information and communication technologies.
  • MDST 3401 - Media, Food and Culture
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2022
    Explores the topic of food as a subject of popular culture: essential to life and the enter of local, national and transnational conflict and social movements. Students will examine media representations of food, what our food choices say about us and what the mediated politics of food mean for our collective future.
  • MDST 4931 - Internship
    Primary Instructor - Summer 2019 / Spring 2023 / Fall 2024
  • MDST 6051 - Media Theories
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022
    Studies theories and perspectives of mass and networked communication and explores the role of media in society.
  • MDST 6351 - Media, Culture & Food Politics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2021 / Spring 2023
    Stresses intersections among media industries, food industries, and politics, with an emphasis on how public knowledge and activism about food relate to questions of a sustainable environment, human health and safety, and social justice for food producers and consumers. Examines a wide range of political discourses about food, the politics of food labeling, the globalization and hybridization of food, public policies governing food, food activism, the biopolitics of food, and food-related manifestations of cultural capital. Previously offered as a special topics course.
  • MDST 6871 - Special Topics
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019 / Spring 2020
    Special topics. May be repeated up to 15 total credit hours hours
  • MDST 7011 - Proseminar in Media Communication Theory 1
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2024
    Introduces the principal concepts, literature, and theoretical and paradigmatic perspectives of media studies and mass communication and their ties and contributions to parallel domains in the social sciences and humanities. Formerly MDST 7011.
  • MDST 7021 - Proseminar in Media and Communication Theory 2
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020
    Continues the introduction of principle concepts, literature, and theoretical and paradigmatic perspectives of media studies and mass communication and their ties and contributions to parallel domains in the social sciences and humanities. Formerly MDST 7021.


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