How do granular columns affect the seismic performance of non-uniform liquefiable sites and their overlying structures?
Journal Article
How do hydrologic modeling decisions affect the portrayal of climate change impacts?
Journal Article
How Do Instructors Explain The Mechanism by which ATP Drives Unfavorable Processes?
Journal Article
How do leaf and ecosystem measures of water-use efficiency compare?
Journal Article
How do leg prostheses effect the running, sprinting, and long jump performance of Paralympic athletes?
Conference Proceeding
How do lncRNAs regulate transcription?
Journal Article
How do migration decisions and drivers differ against extreme environmental events?
Journal Article
How do net mechanical joint work and stiffness change on slopes during running?
Conference Proceeding
How do programs become more concurrent
Conference Proceeding
How do prosthetic stiffness and running speed affect the biomechanics and symmetry of sprinters with unilateral transtibial amputations?
Conference Proceeding
How do prosthetic stiffness and running speed affect the biomechanics and symmetry of sprinters with unilateral transtibial amputations?
Conference Proceeding
How do prosthetic stiffness, height and running speed affect the biomechanics of athletes with bilateral transtibial amputations?
Journal Article
How do prosthetic stiffness, height, and running speed affect the biomechanics of athletes with bilateral transtibial amputations?
Conference Proceeding
How do prosthetic stiffness, height, and running speed affect the biomechanics of athletes with bilateral transtibial amputations?
Conference Proceeding
How do prosthetic stiffness, height, and running speed affect the biomechanics of athletes with bilateral transtibial amputations?
Conference Proceeding
Journal Article
How do sea-ice concentrations from operational data compare with passive microwave estimates? Implications for improved model evaluations and forecasting
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How do stressors lead to burnout? The mediating role of motivation.
Journal Article
How do tall buildings affect seismic earth pressures on their basement walls?
Journal Article
How do Teaching Practices and Use of Software Features Relate to Computer Science Student Belonging in Synchronous Remote Learning Environments?
Conference Proceeding
How do tradeoffs in satellite spatial and temporal resolution impact snowwater equivalent reconstruction?
Journal Article
How Do We Know What We Know? Learning from Monte Carlo Simulations
Journal Article
How do you build, organize and manage your website?
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How do you like your tap water?
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How do you like your tap water?
Journal Article
How does a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate collapse?
Journal Article
How does a self-incompatible individual transition to self-compatibility during its lifetime ?
Journal Article
How does age affect leg muscle activity/coactivity during uphill and downhill walking?
Journal Article
How Does Availability of Meteorological Forcing Data Impact Physically Based Snowpack Simulations?
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How does clamping pressure influence actuation performance of soft ionic polymer-metal composites?
Journal Article