selected publications
conference proceeding
- Do modifiable risk factors moderate the effect of APOE on cognitive decline?. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 453-453. 2020
- Exploring ABCD phenotypes for future behavioral genetic analysis: screen time is associated with mental health, academic outcomes, and peer relationships. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 475-475. 2020
- Genetic correlations between executive functions and intelligence in the adolescent brain cognitive development (ABCD) study. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 454-454. 2020
- Heritability of screen time in the ABCD study. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 488-488. 2018
- Marijuana use and impaired cognitive ability. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 659-659. 2014
- Genetic association of the cholinergic nicotinic receptor A5A3B4 gene cluster with tobacoco and alcohol use in young adults. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 129A-129A. 2007
- Genetic influences on quantity of alcohol consumed by adolescents and young adults. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 645-645. 2004
journal article
Genetic and environmental influences on executive functions and intelligence in middle childhood.
Developmental Science.
Screen time and early adolescent mental health, academic, and social outcomes in 9-and 10-year old children: Utilizing the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development SM (ABCD) Study.
PLoS One.
Investigating the causal effect of cannabis use on cognitive function with a quasi-experimental co-twin design.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
The role of genetic and environmental influences on the association between childhood ADHD symptoms and BMI.
International Journal of Obesity.
Simple Sequence Repeats in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health: An Ethnically Diverse Resource for Genetic Analysis of Health and Behavior.
Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man.
Prevalence and correlates of alcohol and cannabis use disorders in the United States: Results from the national longitudinal study of adolescent health.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
MAOA Genotype, Childhood Maltreatment, and Their Interaction in the Etiology of Adult Antisocial Behaviors.
Biological Psychiatry.
- Quantitative trait loci that influence antisocial drug dependence in adolescence: A replication analysis. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 947-947. 2012
The CHRNA5/A3/B4 Gene Cluster and Tobacco, Alcohol, Cannabis, Inhalants and Other Substance Use Initiation: Replication and New Findings Using Mixture Analyses.
Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man.
Dizziness and the genetic influences on subjective experiences to initial cigarette use.
Stable Genes and Changing Environments: Body Mass Index Across Adolescence and Young Adulthood.
Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man.
The Association Between Conduct Problems and Maltreatment: Testing Genetic and Environmental Mediation.
Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man.
Investigation of Genetically Mediated Child Effects on Maltreatment.
Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man.
- Marijuana Use and BMI in the Add Health Sample. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 636-636. 2008
- Using Observed Genetic Variables to Predict Latent Class Membership: A Comparison of Two Methods. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 637-637. 2008
Association of candidate genes with antisocial drug dependence in adolescents.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
Genetic and environmental contributions to retrospectively reported DSM-IV childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Psychological Medicine.
The CHRNA5/A3/B4 gene cluster variability as an important determinant of early alcohol and tobacco initiation in young adults.
Biological Psychiatry.
The neuronal nicotinic receptor subunit genes (CHRNA6 and CHRNB3) are associated with subjective responses to tobacco.
Human Molecular Genetics.
- Association between body mass index and MAOA genotype. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 771-771. 2007
- Association of candidate genes with antisocial drug dependence in adolescents. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 744-744. 2007
- Gene-environment correlations in childhood maltreatment and genetic mediation of the maltreatment - Conduct problem relationship. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 793-793. 2007
Genetic association of the cholinergic nicotinic receptor a5a3b4 gene cluster with tobacoco and alcohol use in young adults (vol 31, pg 9, 2007).
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
Case-control and within-family tests for association between 5HTTLPR and conduct problems in a longitudinal adolescent sample.
Psychiatric Genetics.
Association of the neuronal nicotinic receptor beta 2 subunit gene (CHRNB2) with subjective responses to alcohol and nicotine.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics.
A genome-wide scan for loci influencing adolescent cannabis dependence symptoms: Evidence for linkage on chromosomes 3 and 9.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
College attendance and its effect on drinking behaviors in a longitudinal study of adolescents.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
The human protein kinase C gamma gene (PRKCG) as a susceptibility locus for behavioral disinhibition.
Addiction Biology.
Progression from marijuana use to daily smoking and nicotine dependence in a national sample of US adolescents.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
Genes, time to first cigarette and nicotine dependence in a general population sample of young adults.
- The effects of genotyping error on case-control association using SNPs and haplotypes. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 974-974. 2006
The family transmission of adolescent alcohol abuse and dependence.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.
Relationship between adolescent marijuana use and young adult illicit drug use.
Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man.
- Exploring the genetics of adolescent antisocial substance dependence. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 235A-235A. 2006
An association between the DAT1 polymorphism and smoking behavior in young adults from the national longitudinal study of adolescent health.
Health Psychology.
The moderating effects of religiosity on the genetic and environmental determinants of smoking initiation.
Nicotine and Tobacco Research.
- Linkage for cannabis dependence on chromosomes 3 and 9. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 811-811. 2005
A genome-wide search for quantitative trait loci that influence antisocial drug dependence in adolescence.
Archives of General Psychiatry.
Genetic influences on quantity of alcohol consumed by adolescents and young adults.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) and antisocial behaviors in the presence of childhood and adolescent maltreatment.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics.
- Genetic and candidate gene analysis of nicotine dependence in the Add Health sample. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 643-643. 2004
- Heritability of smoking behavior and associations with dopaminergic polymorphisms in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 661-662. 2004
- Investigating age at onset twin analyses with simulated data. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 641-641. 2004
- Relation between early use of marijuana and later illicit drug use in the Add Health sample. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 648-648. 2004
The validity of the Neale and Kendler model-fitting approach in examining the etiology of comorbidity.
Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man.
- A genome scan for quantitative trait loci influencing antisocial drug dependence in adolescence. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 720-720. 2003
- Genetic analysis of antisocial behavior and drug abuse in the Add Health study. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 710-710. 2003
A genome-wide search for quantitative trait loci influencing substance dependence vulnerability in adolescence.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
- Familial transmission of alcohol use and abuse. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 475-475. 2002
- Modeling the familial transmission of alcohol dependence symptom counts in clinical and control family pedigrees.. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 470-470. 2001
- Life events and depressed mood in the Virginia Twin Study of Adolescent Behavioral Development.. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 361-361. 1999
- Discrepancies in life event reports with multiple raters and multiple time points.. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 475-475. 1998
- Longitudinal study of life events and depression in adolescence.. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 598-598. 1997
- Life events and symptoms of depression in adolescents.. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 590-590. 1996
- DISCREPANCIES IN LIFE EVENT REPORTS. Behavior Genetics: an international journal devoted to research in the inheritance of behavior in animals and man. 274-274. 1995
Genetic and environmental influences on executive functions and intelligence in middle childhood.
Developmental Science.