subject area of
- Abundance of introduced species at home predicts abundance away in herbaceous communities Journal Article
- Anatomical and photosynthetic acclimation to the light environment in species with differing mechanisms of phloem loading Journal Article
- Approaches in the determination of plant nutrient uptake and distribution in space flight conditions Journal Article
- Arctic plant diversity in the Early Eocene greenhouse Journal Article
- Association between photosynthesis and contrasting features of minor veins in leaves of summer annuals loading phloem via symplastic versus apoplastic routes Journal Article
- Contrasting effects of warming and increased snowfall on Arctic tundra plant phenology over the past two decades Journal Article
- Cryptic seedling herbivory by nocturnal introduced generalists impacts survival, performance of native and exotic plants Journal Article
- Ecological factors limiting the distribution of Gilia tricolor in a California grassland mosaic Journal Article
- New Host-Plant Records for the Defoliator Ormiscodes amphimone (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) Journal Article
- Non-equilibrium dynamics and floral trait interactions shape extant angiosperm diversity Journal Article
- Pleiotropy and the evolution of floral integration Journal Article
- Replicated radiations in the South American marsh pitcher plants (Heliamphora) lead to convergent carnivorous trap morphologies Journal Article
- Reproductive innovations and pulsed rise in plant complexity Journal Article
- Seed Supply, Recruitment, and Assembly: Quantifying Relative Seed and Establishment Limitation in a Plant Community Context Journal Article
- Tempo and mode of flower color evolution Journal Article
- The Rhizosphere Responds: Rich Fen Peat and Root Microbial Ecology after Long-Term Water Table Manipulation Journal Article