subject area of
- A role for a rat homolog of staufen in the transport of RNA to neuronal dendrites Journal Article
- Balboa Binds to Pickpocket In Vivo and Is Required for Mechanical Nociception in Drosophila Larvae Journal Article
- Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is required for the maintenance of cortical dendrites Journal Article
- Dendritic architecture of the von Economo neurons Journal Article
- Dendritically targeted Bdnf mRNA is essential for energy balance and response to leptin Journal Article
- Distinct role of long 3′ UTR BDNF mRNA in spine morphology and synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons Journal Article
- Early striatal dendrite deficits followed by neuron loss with advanced age in the absence of anterograde cortical brain-derived neurotrophic factor Journal Article
- Optimization of input patterns and neuronal properties to evoke motor neuron synchronization Journal Article
- Sex differences in dendritic atrophy of CA3 pyramidal neurons in response to chronic restraint stress Journal Article