publication venue for
- Thermosensitive P(AAc-co-NIPAm) Hydrogels Display Enhanced Toughness and Self-Healing via Ion-Ligand Interactions 2022
- Surface Modification of (Non)-Fluorinated Vitrimers through Dynamic Transamination 2021
- Sequence-Controlled Synthesis of Advanced Clickable Synthetic Oligonucleotides 2020
- Visible Light Rewritable and Long-Lived Colors in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals: A Facile Co-Doping Strategy 2019
- The Impact of Donor-Acceptor Phase Separation on the Charge Carrier Dynamics in pBTTT:PCBM Photovoltaic Blends 2015
- Photopiezoelectric Composites of Azobenzene-Functionalized Polyimides and Polyvinylidene Fluoride 2014
- Development of Glassy Step-Growth Thiol-Vinyl Sulfone Polymer Networks 2014
- 3D Photofixation Lithography in Diels-Alder Networks 2012
- Electro-active Polymer Actuator Based on Sulfonated Polyimide with Highly Conductive Silver Electrodes Via Self-metallization 2011
- Effects of Thermal Annealing Upon the Nanomorphology of Poly(3-hexylselenophene)-PCBM Blends 2011
- A Main-Chain de Vries Smectic Liquid Crystal Polymer Prepared by Hoveyda-Grubbs Catalyst Initiated Acyclic Diene Metathesis Polymerization 2009
- Macromol. Rapid commun. 22/2009. 2009
- Polymerizations of multifunctional anhydride monomers to form highly crosslinked degradable networks 2001
- Studies on the phase separation of poly(ether imide)-modified epoxy resin, 5 - Phase separation behavior of a quasi-binary system 2001