publication venue for
- Upper-division student difficulties with separation of variables 2015
- Validation and analysis of the coupled multiple response Colorado upper-division electrostatics diagnostic 2015
- Development and uses of upper-division conceptual assessments 2015
- Educational transformation in upper-division physics: The Science Education Initiative model, outcomes, and lessons learned 2015
- Model-based reasoning in the physics laboratory: Framework and initial results 2015
- Transforming a fourth year modern optics course using a deliberate practice framework 2015
- Quantum mechanics concept assessment: Development and validation study 2015
- Upper-division student difficulties with the Dirac delta function 2015
- Coupled multiple-response versus free-response conceptual assessment: An example from upper-division physics 2014
- Epistemology and expectations survey about experimental physics: Development and initial results 2014
- Analytic framework for students' use of mathematics in upper-division physics 2013
- Colorado Upper-Division Electrostatics diagnostic: A conceptual assessment for the junior level 2012
- Transforming the junior level: Outcomes from instruction and research in E&M 2012
- Observations on student difficulties with mathematics in upper-division electricity and magnetism 2012
- Learning and retention of quantum concepts with different teaching methods 2011
- The construction of different classroom norms during Peer Instruction: Students perceive differences 2010
- Design and validation of the Quantum Mechanics Conceptual Survey 2010
- Factors promoting engaged exploration with computer simulations 2010
- Refined characterization of student perspectives on quantum physics 2010
- Gender disparities in second-semester college physics: The incremental effects of a "smog of bias" 2010
- Teaching and understanding of quantum interpretations in modern physics courses 2010
- Not all interactive engagement is the same: Variations in physics professors’ implementation ofPeer Instruction 2009
- Development of quantum perspectives in modern physics 2009
- Characterizing the gender gap in introductory physics 2009
- Longitudinal study of student conceptual understanding in electricity and magnetism 2009
- Patterns of multiple representation use by experts and novices during physics problem solving 2008
- Sustaining educational reforms in introductory physics 2008
- Attitudinal gains across multiple universities using the Physics and Everyday Thinking curriculum 2008
- Deeper look at student learning of quantum mechanics: The case of tunneling 2008
- Students know what physicists believe, but they don't agree: A study using the CLASS survey 2008
- Why we should teach the Bohr model and how to teach it effectively 2008
- Analogical scaffolding and the learning of abstract ideas in physics: Empirical studies 2007
- Publisher's Note: Strongly and weakly directed approaches to teaching multiple representation use in physics [Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res.3, 010108 (2007)] 2007
- Analogical scaffolding and the learning of abstract ideas in physics: An example from electromagnetic waves 2007
- Strongly and weakly directed approaches to teaching multiple representation use in physics 2007
- Reducing the gender gap in the physics classroom: How sufficient is interactive engagement? 2007
- Use of analogy in learning physics: The role of representations 2006
- Effects of representation on students solving physics problems: A fine-grained characterization 2006
- Effect of instructional environment on physics students’ representational skills 2006
- New instrument for measuring student beliefs about physics and learning physics: The Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey 2006
- Student representational competence and self-assessment when solving physics problems 2005
- Publisher's Note: Replicating and understanding successful innovations: Implementing tutorials in introductory physics [Phys. Rev. ST Physics Ed. Research1, 010101 (2005)] 2005
- Replicating and understanding successful innovations: Implementing tutorials in introductory physics 2005
- When learning about the real world is better done virtually: A study of substituting computer simulations for laboratory equipment 2005