publication venue for
- Distributed IMU Sensors for In-Field Dynamic Measurements on an Alpine Ski 2024
- Software Defined Radio for GNSS Radio Frequency Interference Localization 2024
- Overview of Space-Capable Global Navigation Satellite Systems Receivers: Heritage, Status and the Trend towards Miniaturization 2023
- Hang-Time HAR: A Benchmark Dataset for Basketball Activity Recognition Using Wrist-Worn Inertial Sensors 2023
- Riparian Bird Occupancy in a Mountain Watershed in the Colorado Mineral Belt Appears Resilient to Climate-Change-Driven Increases in Metals and Rare Earth Elements in Water and Aquatic Macroinvertebrates 2023
- A Lightweight Remote Sensing Payload for Wildfire Detection and Fire Radiative Power Measurements 2023
- Modeling the Design Characteristics of Woven Textile Electrodes for long-Term ECG Monitoring 2023
- Utility of the Full ECG Waveform for Stress Classification 2022
- A Summary of United States Research and Monitoring in Support of the Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area 2022
- Optimizing the Use of RTKLIB for Smartphone-Based GNSS Measurements. 2022
- Lidar-Based Navigation of Subterranean Environments Using Bio-Inspired Wide-Field Integration of Nearness 2022
- Endangered Apes-Can Their Behaviors Be Used to Index Fear and Disturbance in Anthropogenic Landscapes? 2021
- Comparative Approaches in Vertebrate Cartilage Histogenesis and Regulation: Insights from Lampreys and Hagfishes 2021
- The Data Sensor Hub (DaSH): A Physical Computing System to Support Middle School Inquiry Science Instruction 2021
- An Open Source Low-Cost Device Coupled with an Adaptative Time-Lag Time-Series Linear Forecasting Modeling for Apple Trentino (Italy) Precision Irrigation 2021
- A Study of the Radiation Tolerance of CVD Diamond to 70 MeV Protons, Fast Neutrons and 200 MeV Pions 2020
- Degradability of Biodegradable Soil Moisture Sensor Components and Their Effect on Maize (Zea mays L.) Growth 2020
- Performance Assessment of Portable Optical Particle Spectrometer (POPS) 2020
- Phylogenomic Study of Monechma Reveals Two Divergent Plant Lineages of Ecological Importance in the African Savanna and Succulent Biomes 2020
- Vibration Anatomy and Damage Detection in Power Transmission Towers with Limited Sensors 2020
- Textile Electrocardiogram (ECG) Electrodes for Wearable Health Monitoring 2020
- A Barcoded Polymer-Based Cross-Reactive Spectroscopic Sensor Array for Organic Volatiles 2019
- Using A Low-Cost Sensor Array and Machine Learning Techniques to Detect Complex Pollutant Mixtures and Identify Likely Sources 2019
- Development and Deployment of Air-Launched Drifters from Small UAS 2019
- Intercomparison of Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) Measurements for Atmospheric Science during the LAPSE-RATE Campaign 2019
- Species-Specific Functional Morphology of Four US Atlantic Coast Dune Grasses: Biogeographic Implications for Dune Shape and Coastal Protection 2019
- Coordinated Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) and Ground-Based Weather Measurements to Predict Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCSs) 2018
- Comparing Building and Neighborhood-Scale Variability of CO2 and O-3 to Inform Deployment Considerations for Low-Cost Sensor System Use 2018
- Low-Cost Air Quality Monitoring Tools: From Research to Practice (A Workshop Summary) 2017
- Quantifying Neighborhood-Scale Spatial Variations of Ozone at Open Space and Urban Sites in Boulder, Colorado Using Low-Cost Sensor Technology 2017
- A Novel Extreme Learning Machine Classification Model for e-Nose Application Based on the Multiple Kernel Approach 2017
- Magnetoelectric Current Sensors 2017
- Intelligent RF-Based Gesture Input Devices Implemented Using e-Textiles 2017
- Quantification Method for Electrolytic Sensors in Long-Term Monitoring of Ambient Air Quality 2015
- Trends in Stream Biodiversity Research since the River Continuum Concept 2015
- Simultaneous Characterization of Instantaneous Young's Modulus and Specific Membrane Capacitance of Single Cells Using a Microfluidic System 2015
- Monocular Camera/IMU/GNSS Integration for Ground Vehicle Navigation in Challenging GNSS Environments 2012
- A Real-Time Capable Software-Defined Receiver Using GPU for Adaptive Anti-Jam GPS Sensors 2011
- Spectral Identification of Lighting Type and Character 2010
- Global distribution and density of constructed impervious surfaces 2007