Dr. Labbe's research is focused on addressing critical issues with sustainable energy for transportation through the interface of chemistry and engineering. Dr. Labbe works on the development of robust chemical kinetic models using state of the art theoretical methods to accurately unravel chemistry relevant to practical energy problems. These computational models, combined with complimentary micro reactor experiments to determine the short time scale chemical steps in combustion, assist in unraveling the puzzle of how fuels operate in extreme temperature and pressure environments found in engines, turbines, and rocket thrusters. This work is further supported through her experimental efforts utilizing advanced chemical detection methods with micro reactors and low pressure flame apparatuses. This work is used to facilitate the development of new technology to increase fuel efficiency, decrease harmful emissions, and reduce dependence on non-renewable energy sources.
Reaction kinetics, molecular modeling, radical chemistry, potential energy surface calculations, rate theory, master equation theory, combustion modeling, gas phase chemistry, nitrogen-containing and oxygenate fuels, alternative fuels/ fuel additives, green transportation, emissions control, kinetic modeling, engine design, rocket propellants, reactor design, chemical diagnostics
MCEN 3012 - Thermodynamics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Spring 2022
Explores fundamental concepts and basic theory, including first and second laws of thermodynamics, properties, states, thermodynamic functions and cycles. Same as GEEN 3852.
MCEN 4085 - Mechanical Engineering Design Project 2
Primary Instructor
Spring 2019
Second part of a two-course capstone design experience in mechanical engineering. Includes refinement of prototype, design optimization, fabrication, testing, and evaluation. Students orally present the final design and prepare a written report and operation manual for the product. GEEN-BS and GEEN-BSEPL students are not required to complete MCEN 4026.
MCEN 4152 - Introduction to Combustion
Primary Instructor
Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2023
Focuses on the mechanisms by which fuel and oxidizers are converted into combustion products. Application to practical combustion devices such as Otto, Diesel, gas turbine and power plant combustion systems. Consideration of combustion-generated air pollution, fire safety and combustion efficiency. Recommended prerequisites: MCEN 3021 and MCEN 3022. Same as MCEN 5152.
MCEN 5022 - Classical Thermodynamics
Primary Instructor
Fall 2019
First and second laws of thermodynamics. Entropy and availability. Cycle analysis. Thermodynamic properties of pure substances and mixtures. Property relations. Chemical reactions and chemical availability. Energy systems analysis.
MCEN 5152 - Introduction to Combustion
Primary Instructor
Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2020 / Fall 2021 / Fall 2022 / Fall 2023
Focuses on the mechanisms by which fuel and oxidizers are converted into combustion products. Application to practical combustion devices such as Otto, Diesel, gas turbine and power plant combustion systems. Consideration of combustion-generated air pollution, fire safety and combustion efficiency. Same as MCEN 4152.
MCEN 5930 - Professional Internship
Primary Instructor
Spring 2024
This class provides a structure for Mechanical Engineering graduate students to receive academic credit for internships with industry partners that have an academic component to them suitable for graduate-level work. Participation in the program will consist of an internship agreement between a student and an industry partner who will employ the student in a role that supports the academic goals of the internship. Instructor participation will include facilitation of mid-term and final assessments of student performance as well as support for any academic-related issues that may arise during the internship period. May be taken during any term following initial enrollment and participation in ME graduate programs. Department permission required to enroll.
MCEN 6228 - Special Topics
Primary Instructor
Spring 2019 / Spring 2021
Subject matter to be selected from topics of current interest. May be repeated up to 15 total credit hours.