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Publications in VIVO

Harrington, Emily Marie

Associate Professor


Research Areas research areas


research overview

  • Emily Harrington works on Victorian poetry, 19th century British literature, aestheticism, women writers and poetics. Her book, Second Person Singular: Late Victorian Women Poets and the Bonds of Verse, came out in the Victorian Literature and Culture Series at the University of Virginia Press in 2014. Her essays have appeared in Victorian Poetry, Victorian Studies, Nineteenth-Century Literature, Literature Compass, and the Oxford Handbook of Victorian Poetry. She is currently working on ideas about waiting, delay, deferral and temporality in Victorian poetry.


  • Victorian poetry, fin-de-siècle culture, women writers, poetics


selected publications


courses taught

  • ENGL 1250 - Introduction to World Literature by Women
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2019
    This course considers how literature represents gendered experiences across multiple countries and continents. Students will read fiction and poetry by women from South Asia, East Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas, that address questions of sexuality, marriage, and family, politics, labor, and justice at the intersections of gender, race, and nation. Same as WGST 1250.
  • ENGL 2016 - Children�s Literature
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2023
    This course examines classics of children�s literature. Students will read a wide range of genres written for children, from fantasy to adventure to fairy tales to realistic fiction. We will discuss how ideas about childhood change over time as well as how one of the most lucrative parts of the publishing industry wields a wide cultural influence.
  • ENGL 2017 - World Literature
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2022
    Songs. Epics. Autobiographies. Novels. Tales. Plays. Films. These genres appear across cultures, languages, and historical periods. This course focuses on how genres work in a variety of cultures and time periods, reading work written in English and in translation. Students will gain a deep understanding of the possibilities of that genre as well as an introduction to the way that literature travels between cultures. Topics and focus will vary by instructor.
  • ENGL 2102 - Literary Analysis
    Primary Instructor - Fall 2020 / Spring 2024 / Fall 2024
    Students will build skills in careful, detailed reading and critical writing. Focusing on poetry, prose, and plays, the course cultivates an understanding of literary forms and genres and introduces techniques and vocabulary essential for the study of literature.
  • ENGL 3026 - Syntax, Citation, Analysis: Writing About Literature
    Primary Instructor - Spring 2020 / Spring 2022 / Fall 2023
    Students hone their writing skills by closely analyzing the language in literary texts. The course will focus on the nuances of sentence structure and grammar, in order to help students become better writers and readers. Students will learn how to perform research in literary criticism and will write and revise a research paper, as well as a number of other short papers for different audiences. Students will learn and use citation methods within the discipline and will discuss the reasoning behind citational practice. Recommended prerequisite: completion of lower-division writing requirement.
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