selected publications
journal article
- Measurements and Model Improvement: Insight into NWP Model Error Using Doppler Lidar and Other WØ2 Measurement Systems. Monthly Weather Review. 3063-3087. 2023
- Evaluation of a cloudy cold-air pool in the Columbia River basin in different versions of the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model. Geoscientific Model Development. 597-619. 2023
- Model Evaluation by Measurements from Collocated Remote Sensors in Complex Terrain. Weather and Forecasting. 1829-1853. 2022
- The High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR): An Hourly Updating Convection-Allowing Forecast Model. Part I: Motivation and System Description. Weather and Forecasting. 1371-1395. 2022
- The High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR): An Hourly Updating Convection-Allowing Forecast Model. Part II: Forecast Performance. Weather and Forecasting. 1397-1417. 2022
- Comparison of Observations and Predictions of Daytime Planetary-Boundary-Layer Heights and Surface Meteorological Variables in the Columbia River Gorge and Basin During the Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project. Boundary-Layer Meteorology: an international journal of physical and biological processes in the atmospheric boundary layer. 147-172. 2022
- Doppler Lidar Evaluation of HRRR Model Skill at Simulating Summertime Wind Regimes in the Columbia River Basin during WFIP2. Weather and Forecasting. 1961-1983. 2021
- Wind Ramp Events Validation in NWP Forecast Models during the Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP2) Using the Ramp Tool and Metric (RT&M). Weather and Forecasting. 2407-2421. 2020
- An Evaluation of a Hybrid, Terrain-Following Vertical Coordinate in the WRF-Based RAP and HRRR Models. Weather and Forecasting. 1081-1096. 2020
- Evaluating the WFIP2 updates to the HRRR model using scanning Doppler lidar measurements in the complex terrain of the Columbia River Basin. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 2020
- Characterizing NWP Model Errors Using Doppler-Lidar Measurements of Recurrent Regional Diurnal Flows: Marine-Air Intrusions into the Columbia River Basin. Monthly Weather Review. 929-953. 2020
- The Motion of Mesoscale Snowbands in Northeast US Winter Storms. Weather and Forecasting. 83-105. 2020
- Impact of model improvements on 80 m wind speeds during the second Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP2). Geoscientific Model Development. 4803-4821. 2019
- Improving Wind Energy Forecasting through Numerical Weather Prediction Model Development. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2201-2220. 2019
- Spatial Variability of Winds and HRRR-NCEP Model Error Statistics at Three Doppler-Lidar Sites in the Wind-Energy Generation Region of the Columbia River Basin. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 1633-1656. 2019
- Shallow Cumulus in WRF Parameterizations Evaluated against LASSO Large-Eddy Simulations. Monthly Weather Review. 4303-4322. 2018
- Modifications to the Rapid Update Cycle Land Surface Model (RUC LSM) Available in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model. Monthly Weather Review. 1851-1865. 2016
- A North American Hourly Assimilation and Model Forecast Cycle: The Rapid Refresh. Monthly Weather Review. 1669-1694. 2016
- Implementation of a Digital Filter Initialization in the WRF Model and Its Application in the Rapid Refresh. Monthly Weather Review. 99-106. 2016