Professor Fluri is a political geographer interested in gender, geopolitics, international aid/development, conflict and peace building in Afghanistan. Her publications include reviewed journal articles, book chapters, three co-authored books and one co-edited book. She is currently working on a book that examines Afghan Women's Leadership before, during, and after U.S. occupation in Afghanistan. This project has been funded by the National Science Foundation. She is the co-editor of the Gender, Feminisms and Geography book series at West Virginia University Press, and co-editor of the Geopolitical Bodies, Material Worlds book series for Lexington Books. She serves and editorial board member for the journals Political Geography, and Cultural Geography. In Colorado, she co-directs the CU-Boulder Affordable Housing Research Initiative (, a research organization that offers applicable research to community members and organizations providing, seeking, living in, or caring about affordable housing.
critical study and analysis of gender and development in conflict zones, security studies, body theory, affordable housing, gender, race, class, economic inequality
Political geography II: Violence.
Progress in Human Geography: an international review of geographical work in the social sciences and humanities.
Political geography 1: Extractions.
Progress in Human Geography: an international review of geographical work in the social sciences and humanities.
GEOG 1962 - Geographies of Global Change
Primary Instructor
Spring 2018 / Spring 2019 / Spring 2023
Familiarizes students with a geographic understanding of conflicts around the globe and of economic, political and cultural globalization. Analyzes the relationship between global forces, regions and local interests in contemporary territorial and geopolitical tensions and conflicts, emphasizing issues such as nationalism, migration, labor and natural resources. Formerly GEOG 2002.
GEOG 3672 - Gender and the Global Economy
Primary Instructor
Fall 2022 / Fall 2023
Examines the role of gender in global economy. Explores the impacts of colonialism and modern global economy on gender relations, with particular emphasis on Third World societies. Also focuses on related issues of population politics, environmental crisis, women's sexual exploitation, and women's social movements worldwide. Recommended prerequisite: GEOG 1962 or GEOG 1972 or GEOG 1982 or GEOG 1992 or GEOG 2092 or WGST 2000 or WGST 2600. Same as WGST 3672.
GEOG 3832 - Geographies of South Asia
Primary Instructor
Spring 2021
Examine the geographies of South Asia through four interrelated themes: Territory, Trade, Transportation, and Tributaries. Learn about territory including physical features, political conflicts and changing borders. Explore trade, transportation routes, and tributaries to understand economic, social/cultural and political geographies. Investigate culture and society through analyses of gender roles/relations. Recommended prerequisites: GEOG 1962 or GEOG 1972 or GEOG 1982 or GEOG 1992 or GEOG 2092.
GEOG 3842 - Human Geography of Czechia: Political, Economic and Social Transitions
Primary Instructor
Summer 2018 / Summer 2023
Excursions in Prague will begin with an understanding of Czech history through various imprints on the landscape, such as city planning, design, architecture and culture. This will be followed by a discussion of Prague in the 20th century and the various political, economic and social transitions. These transitions will be explored through field based study in and outside of Prague.
GEOG 3930 - Internship
Primary Instructor
Summer 2022 / Summer 2023
Provides an academically supervised opportunity for advanced geography or environmental studies majors to work in public and private organizations on projects related to the student's career goals and to relate classroom theory to practice. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Instructor consent required.
GEOG 4722 - Field Methods in Human Geography
Primary Instructor
Spring 2019
Examines research methods associated with field work in human geography. Prepares students for fieldwork by focusing on geographic and interdisciplinary field work techniques; interpretation of field data; discussion of the politics, ethics and gender, race, class and cross-cultural issues related to field work. Same as GEOG 5722.
GEOG 4990 - Senior Thesis
Primary Instructor
Fall 2022 / Spring 2023
Offers thesis research under faculty supervision. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Instructor consent required.
GEOG 5100 - Special Topics: Geography
Primary Instructor
Spring 2020 / Spring 2023
Covers various topics outside of the normal curriculum; offered intermittently depending on student demand and availability of faculty. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours.
GEOG 5152 - History and Theory of Geography
Primary Instructor
Fall 2018 / Fall 2019 / Fall 2023
History of ideas and institutions that have shaped contemporary geographic inquiry. Examines the evolving relations among human geography, physical geography, environment-society relations, and geographic information processing. Designed to situate graduate student research within major subfields and intellectual currents of geography.
GEOG 5632 - Development Geography
Primary Instructor
Spring 2022
Provides an overview of development policy and practice, surveying foundational works in Development Studies as well as critical interventions. Required for Graduate Certificate in Development Studies. Same as GEOG 4632.
GEOG 5722 - Field Methods in Human Geography
Primary Instructor
Spring 2019
Examines research methods associated with field work in human geography. Prepares students for fieldwork by focusing on geographic and interdisciplinary field work techniques; interpretation of field data; discussion of the politics, ethics and gender, race, class and cross-cultural issues related to field work. Same as GEOG 4722.
GEOG 6950 - Master's Thesis
Primary Instructor
Fall 2019 / Spring 2020 / Fall 2020
Instructor consent required.
IAFS 3010 - Islam, Geopolitics and Society: Gender, Identity and Place
Primary Instructor
Summer 2018 / Summer 2019 / Summer 2020 / Summer 2021 / Summer 2022 / Summer 2023
Examines Islam, geopolitics and society in various locations throughout the globe, such as Afghanistan, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel/Palestine, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Yemen, the UK and the US. Addresses issues of gender, identity and place to illustrate the complexity and diversity of social experiences within the milieu of Islam and geopolitics.
WGST 3672 - Who Runs the World? Sex, Power, and Gender in Geography
Primary Instructor
Fall 2022 / Fall 2023
This course will examine how gender and sexuality is constructed locally, nationally, and globally, drawing on conversations about feminist pasts, presents, and futures. We will focus on how gender intersects with race, class, sexuality, ability, religion, ethnicity, and geopolitical location to structure the lived experiences of women across the globe. We will apply critical geographic perspectives to gender inequality, exploring the overlaps and differences in women�s and LGBTQ+ struggles as they are shaped by ongoing socio-cultural, political, and economic conditions globally. Recommended prerequisite: GEOG 1982 or GEOG 1992 or GEOG 2002 or GEOG 2412 or WGST 2000 or WGST 2600. Same as GEOG 3672.