El debate de las armas y las letras en el testimonio de delincuentes: El caso de Soy un delincuente, de José Antonio Brizuela
El infinitivo flexionado en gallego: Un análisis léxico basado en el uso
El Nino and Southern Oscillation (ENSO): A Review
El Nino-Southern Oscillation Ocean Dynamics: Simulation by Coupled General Circulation Models
El pasaporte del abuelo: orígenes, significado, y problemática de la ciudadanía múltiple
El precio del cacao, sus exportaciones y la rebelión en la Caracas del siglo xviii
El sistema portuario y mercantile circum-caribe no (costa de Colombia y Venezuela) in el siglo xviii
Electoral debates in South Korea: From television debates to YouTube debates.
Electoral Disorder, Social Change: An Introduction
Electoral Politics
Electrical Doping of Organic Semiconductors with Molecular Oxidants and Reductants
Electromagnetic axisymmetric finite elements based on a gauged four-potential variational principle
Electromagnetic energy input and dissipation
Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Magnetosphere
Electromyography (EMG)
Electron Tomographic Methods for Studying Organelles of the Murine Chemical Synapse
Electron Transfer Reactions on Extremely Small Semiconductor Colloids Studied by Pulse Radiolysis
Electronic Geophysical Year
Electronic Portfolio Encouraging Active and Reflective Learning
Electronic Properties of High-Tc Superconductors
Electronic Raman Scattering in High Temperature Superconductors
Elegir a la población: Leyes de inmigración y racismo en el continente americano
Elementary geometry of Hilbert spaces applied to abelian groups
Elevational gradients in species richness
Elevational trends in biodiversity
Eleven poems: “Boy with Baleen for Teeth,” “A Mnemonic for Survival,” “Natural Aesthetics,” “Underwater Acoustics,” “Golden Record,” “Orient,” “Cultural Revolution,” “Banjara,” “Hanuman Puja,” “Inside the Belly,” “Stomach Full of Trash”
Eliakim Doolittle
Eliminating Sex Discrimination in Education
Elizabethan Government