Journal Article
“Le hors de texte, c'est moi” the politics of form and the domestication of deconstruction.
"Leap Before You Look": Conditions That Suppress Explicit, Knowledge-Based Learning During Visuomotor Adaptation
"Leisure and the Production Possibility Frontier: A Two-Step Pedagogy"
"Let's Rap With Cap": Redefining American Patriotism through Popular Discourse and Letters
"Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics," Revue critique de fixxion française contemporaine/Critical Review of Contemporary French Fixxion 22 (2021): 72-82.
"Listening" and "talking" to neurons: Implications of immune activation for pain control and increasing the efficacy of opioids
"Literacy Crisis and Color-Blindness: The Problematic Racial Dynamics of Mid-70s Language and Literacy Instruction for High-Risk Minority Students"
“Living through Insecurity in the Works of Mary Shelley and Percy Shelley.”
"Locating East Asia in Western Art Music," edited by Yayoi Uno Everett and Frederick Lau (Book Review)
"Locusts are now our beef": Adult mortality and household dietary use of local environmental resources in rural South Africa
"Los ríos profundos", de José María Arguedas: las lecciones de la memoria
"Majority representation" of alloy electronic states
"Make Him an Offer He Can't Refuse" -- Mezzanatto Waivers as Lynchpin of Prosecutorial Overreach
"Making It": Understanding Adolescent Resilience in Two Informal Settlements (Slums) in Nairobi, Kenya
"Making Space": How Novice Teachers Create Opportunities for Equitable Sense-Making in Elementary Science
"Making them speak": Colonialism and the study of mythology (A critical ethnographic examination of Australian aboriginal culture in the late nineteenth-century)
"Marxism and Literature Now: Book History and the Politics of Work and World"
"Mature Enough to Handle it?": Gendered Parental Interventions in and Adolescents' Reactions to Technology Use During the Pandemic
"Mau Mau are Angels horizontal ellipsis Sent by Haile Selassie": A Kenyan War in Jamaica
“Me mirabas”: Steven Soderbergh’s Latin America
"Media Archeology Lab: Experimentation, Tinkering, Probing. Lori Emerson in conversation with Piotr Marecki."
“Media: Culture: Policy, or What we talk about when we talk about (cultural) policy,” Communication + 1, Vol 6 (2017) (27 pp).; DOI: 10.7275/R5HQ3X33
“Minorities, to 1614”
“Minutendinger": Rainald Goetz' Roman Abfall für Alle
"Misconceptions about optimal equity allocation and investment horizon": A comment
“Modes of Understanding of the religion “object” in North Atlantic modernity,” Journal of Religion and Transformation 5 (2019) 351-375.
"Money Answers All Things": Rethinking Economic and Cultural Exchange in the Captivity Narrative of Mary Rowlandson
"More-than-viral" Eurasian geographies of the covid-19 pandemic: interconnections, inequalities, and geopolitics
“Morton Feldtfos Thomsen, Scenes of Writing, Scenes of Looking: Don DeLillo, Claus Beck-Nielsen, and the Politics of the Novel”
"Multitasking: The Narrative Alchemy of Maylis de Kerangal,"