Scholarly Edition
The Effects Of Competition On The Price For Cable Modem Internet Access
The Global Flood Partnership Annual Meeting 2019
The Good, The Bad, and The Biased: Five Ways Visualizations Can Mislead (and How to Fix Them)
The Gravity of Knowledge
The origin of spatial interaction
The role of organizational justice in pay and employee benefit satisfaction, and its effects on work attitudes
The World is Flat (Thomas L. Friedman) in America in the World, 1776 to the Present: A Supplement to the Dictionary of American History.
To deal with antifa, designate it a street gang
Transformative Learning Networks: Guidelines and Insights for Netweavers
Unilever: Combatting Global Food Waste
What does science tell us about the so-called Ferguson Effect?
Whole Foods: The Path to 1,000 Stores
World Trade Organization in America in the World, 1776 to the Present: A Supplement to the Dictionary of American History.
Written U.S. Senate Hearing Testimony, Hearing on Space Situational Awareness, Space Traffic Management, and Orbital Debris: Examining; Solutions for Emerging Threats
Стрелка Васильевского острова (The tip of St. Basil island).