Journal Article
“Every Piece Can Fit”: Understanding and Remedying Cultural Mismatches Between Chinese Diaspora Students and Advisors
"Everybody Knows Your Business"/"Todo Mundo Se Da Cuenta": Immigrant Adults' Construction of Privacy, Risk, and Vulnerability in Online Platforms
"Everybody Makes it Until they Don't": Survival as Metaphor
"Everything Is Connected": Health Lifestyles and Teenagers' Social Distancing Behaviors in the COVID-19 Pandemic
“Everything Is in Us”: Collaboration, Introspection, and Continuity as Healing in #NotYourPrincess
"Expansion of meltwater lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet"
"Failure to Pay Any Poll Tax or Other Tax": The constitutionality of tax felon disenfranchisement
"Fake news” and emerging online media ecosystem: An integrated intermedia agenda-setting analysis of during the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
"Famous Poets, Neglected Composers: Songs to Lyrics by Goethe, Heine, Mörike, and others", ed. J. W. Smeed (Recent Researches in the Music of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, 10)
"Fate and Consolation in the Late Rousseau"
“Finding Common Ground:” Experiences of Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Students in a Community Engaged Learning Course
“Fire bad teachers.” A critical look at public perceptions of the role of teachers and schools in students’ relative levels of achievement.
"First contacts" in Polynesia: The Samoan case (1722-1848); Western misunderstandings about sexuality and divinity
“First” matters: A qualitative examination of a strategy for controlling the agenda when answering questions in the 2016 U.S. republican primary election debates
"FORCE" learning in recurrent neural networks as data assimilation
"Frauen komponieren: 25 Lieder für Singstimme und Klavier", ed. Eva Rieger and Käte Walter: (Recent Researches in the Music of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, 10)
“From Candidacy to Governance: Rethinking ‘The Hands of Donald Trump.’” (Edited journal colloquium)
"From Your First Cigarette to Your Last Dyin' Day": The Patterning of Gang Membership in the Life-Course
"Gautier d'Aupais," courtly Love, and the Dangers of the Tavern
“Gender, Sexuality, and Occupation in South Asia: A report from the feminist pre- conference at the Annual South Asia Conference at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, October 2017”
“Genocide is Fascism in Action”: Aron Trainin and Soviet Portrayals of Genocide
“German Jews,” “National Jews,” “Jewish Volk” or “Racial Jews”? The Constitution and Contestation of “Jewishness” in Newspapers of Nazi Germany, 1933–1938
“Getting pregnant might make me seem more normal to them”: Attitudes, experiences, and gendered nuances regarding pregnancy and parenting among youths experiencing homelessness
“Giants of an Earlier Capitalism”: The Chartered Trading Companies as Modern Multinationals
"Good in the way witches enjoy being good": The Reality of Morality in Eleanor Estes's The Witch Family
"Good queen, my lord, good queen": Sexual Slander and the Trials of Female Authority in "The Winter's Tale"
“Good Things in Threes: The Long-Term Impacts of Literate Dwelling.”
“Good” and “Bad” Criticism: A Descriptive Analysis
"Green" manufacturing certification possible
"Green" Technology and Ecologically Unequal Exchange: The Environmental and Social Consequences of Ecological Modernization in the World-System