Journal RDF
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- Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
- Atmospheric Environment
- Atmospheric environment
- Atmospheric Environment: X
- Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
- Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions
- Atmospheric Pollution Research
- Atmospheric Research
- Atmospheric Science Letters
- Atoms
- Attention, Perception and Psychophysics
- Audiology Research
- Auk: a quarterly journal of ornithology
- Austral Ecology: a journal of ecology in the Southern Hemisphere
- Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies
- Australasian Journal of Economics Education
- Australasian Journal of Information Systems
- Australasian Journal of Philosophy
- Australian Dental Journal
- Australian Economic History Review: an Asia-Pacific journal of economic, business and social history
- Australian Economic Papers
- Australian Journal of Chemistry: an international journal for chemical science
- Australian Journal of Civil Engineering
- Australian Journal of Education
- Australian Journal of Linguistics
- Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal
- Australian Psychologist
- Autism Research and Treatment