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Historical Dictionary of Jazz, 2nd ed.
Historiography and Marginal Identity in Sixteenth-century Spain
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Humic Substances in Soil, Sediment, and Water
ICESat-2 Algorithm Theoretical Base Document for the Atmosphere, Part II: Detection of Atmospheric Layers and Surface Using a Density Dimension Algorithm, v13.0, November 15, 2021, Geomath Code Version v118.0, ASAS Code Release v5.5, ATLAS Data Product ATL09, 439 pp.
ICESat-2 Algorithm ; Theoretical Base Document for the Atmosphere, Part II: ; Detection of Atmospheric Layers and Surface Using a Density Dimension Algorithm ; (Code version v111), v9.0
ICESat-2 Algorithm Theoretical Base Document for the Atmosphere, Part II: Detection of Atmospheric Layers and Surface Using a Density Dimension Algorithm, v14.0, August 30, 2022, Geomath Code Version v120.0, ASAS Code Release v5.6, ATLAS Data Product ATL09, 477 pp., doi:10.5067/CP08GNGYS4YJ
ICESat-2 Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for the Atmosphere, Part I: Level 2 and 3 Data Products, Version 8.5 (release 5), September 15, 2021