Journal Article
"Trans Lies Elsewhere": Trans of Color Lives, Critiques, and Futures
"Transfer matrix" method for direct and indirect coupling of cascaded cavities in resonator-waveguide systems
"Triple oppression" to "freedom dreams"
“Triple Review of J. Stewart, O. Gapenne, and E. A. Di Paolo (eds.), Enaction: Towards a New Paradigm for Cognitive Science; Anthony Chemero, Radical Embodied Cognitive Science; and Mark Rowlands, The New Science of the Mind,”
"Truth Is the Death of Intention": Benjamin's Esoteric History of Romanticism
“Two's company, more is a crowd”: the linguistic encoding of multiple-participant events
“Un viaggio straordinario. Capuana e la narrativa giovanile post-unitaria,”
"Unbecoming Conjunctions": Mourning the Loss of Landscape and Love in Persuasion
"United We Suffer: Sixteenth-Century Anabaptism and Twentieth-Century Auslandsdeutschtum in M. V. Rubatscher’s Das Lutherische Joggele.”
“Us Boys like to Read Football and Boy Stuff”: Reading Masculinities, Performing Boyhood
"Very Fine People on Both Sides:" Diverse Viewpoints, Truth, and Free Speech on Campus
"Virtual Music," by David Cope
“Visions for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages 2022-32.”
“W” Stands for Women: Feminism and Security Rhetoric in the Post-9/11 Bush Administration
"Wanderstrassen der Kultur": Die Aby Warburg-Fritz Saxl Korrespondenz 1920 bis 1929
“Want me to show you?”: Emergent bilingual preschoolers’ multimodal resourcing in show-and-tell activity
“We Are Animal. So What?”
"We Are Farkhunda": Geographies of Violence, Protest, and Performance
"We Are Here FM"
"We are Researchers, but we are also Humans": Creating a Design Space for Managing Graduate Student Stress
"We don't say that word out loud": a grounded practical theory for analyzing difficult data in language and social interaction classrooms
"We Moved Her Too Soon": Navigating Guilt Among Adult Child and Spousal Caregivers of Persons Living With Dementia Following a Move Into Residential Long-Term Care
"WE MUST TALK ABOUT COLOGNE" Race, Gender, and Reconfigurations of "Europe"
“We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service to Anyone.”
"We Told You that's How They Are": Responses To White Women in Abusive Intimate Relationships with Men of Color
"We'll Always Have Paris": Out-of-Country Buyers in the Housing Market
"We'll Figure a Way": Teenage Mothers' Experiences in Shifting Social and Economic Contexts
“We’re changing the system with this one”: Black students using critical race algorithmic literacies to subvert and survive AI-mediated racism in school
"We're Gonna Figure This Out": First-Generation Students and Academic Libraries