Journal Article
interplanetary dust detected by the cassini CDA chemical analyser
!Darwinistas! The Construction of Evolutionary Thought in Nineteenth Century Argentina
« Un esclave peut-il faire une polémique au XVIIIe siècle? »
“’a friend I love so much as you.’”
“‘Das kann ja jeder sagen‘: Neue Einsichten und Ansätze zur Vermittlung der Modalpartikeln im DaF-Unterricht
“‘Feminism’ and ‘Postmodernism.’ Are There Some Things at Stake in Lyotardian Thought for Feminist Theorizations?”
“‘To Be Both a Negro and an American’: W.E.B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk, the Critique of Anti-Black Racism, and Contributions to Critical Race Studies.”
“1822, 1845, 1869, 1893, and 1917: Artificial Hands”
"A blank spot on the map": Aldo Leopold, wilderness and US Forest Service recreational policy, 1909-1924
"A Central Sierra Miwok Origins Story: The Theft of the Sun."
"A Complete Though Bloody Victory": Lorenzo de Zavala and the Transnational Paradoxes of Sovereignty
"A Hedge against the Future'': The Post-Cold War Rhetoric of Nuclear Weapons Modernization
"À l'étranger"
"A Library Within a Library": Organizational Design as Perceived by Academic Government Information Librarians
"A Lot of It Comes from the Heart": The Nature and Integration of Ecological Knowledge in Tribal and Nontribal Forest Management
"A Meeting of Minds": Using Clickers for Critical Thinking and Discussion in Large Sociology Classes
"A Merciful Fury Sent to Save Me": Amy Levy's "Xantippe" and Women's Conversations
"A Perfect Equality Seemed to Reign": Slave Society and Jonkonnu
“A Place I Have Never Seen”: Possibility, Genre, Politics, and China Miéville’s The Scar
"A Playing Field Where Patriarchy Plays": Addressing Sexism in South African and Nigerian Newsrooms
"A retreat from profit" - Colonization, the Appalachian Trail, and the social roots of Benton MacKaye's wilderness advocacy
"A Rough Sort of Way" Photography, Manifest Destiny, and the 1898 Cooks Inlet Exploring Expedition in Alaska
"A Social Movement in Fact": La Raza and El Plan de Delano
"A World of Tomorrow": Diaspora Intellectuals and Liberal Thought in the 1950s
"Abutarda o avutarda?" Orthographic norms of Spanish
"Accessibility and topicality in children’s use of word order."
"AIDS Knows No Borders" Testimonies of HIV/AIDS, Exclusion, and Migrant Detention
“Aliens” in the United States: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Foreign-Born Faculty
“All These Methods Complement Each Other”: Antenatal Care Acceptability in Contexts of Antenatal Care Pluralism in Rural Manicaland, Zimbabwe